Note: this release is intended to operate with backend v4.0.9
[v3.6.12] - 2020-10-06
- Updated translations and new Vietnamese locale (thank you translators!)
- learn.maproulette.org as the new home for MapRoulette documentation
- Typeahead dropdown when mentioning a user in a comment
- Ability to specify OSM element type when creating challenges from Overpass
- Search for challenges by id when adding challenges to virtual projects
- Allow tasks to be reviewed consecutively from Manage Challenges tasks table
- Basic support for multiple reviews of task by different reviewers
- Deselect-all control to Lasso map tool panel
- Challenge datasource could revert back to original cloned source (#1381)
- Don't offer Start Challenge button when managing completed challenges
- Incorrect subdomain substitution in basemap URLs
- Inability to sort by cooperative challenges (#1395)
- Inability to update user settings if no custom basemaps set
- User metrics filtering on creation date instead of completion date
- Minor visual fixes
- false_positive column to not_an_issue in CSV exports
- [internal] Renamed primary branch of code repository to