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Martin Wendt edited this page Dec 1, 2019 · 11 revisions

About Fancytree API.

Fancytree exposes an extensive, object oriented interface to query and manipulate the data model. The API functions and properties are exposed by different interfaces:

  • Static methods in the $.ui.fancytree namespace.
  • Widget methods on the Fancytree jQuery widget instance.
  • Tree methods on the Fancytree object instance.
  • Node methods on the FancytreeNode object instances.

You find a complete overview in the Fancytree API Reference.

Static functions and properties are directly available from the $.ui.fancytree namespace:

var node = $.ui.fancytree.getNode(event);

See also the list of static functions.

Widget methods and properties require a jQuery Widget instance. They are called using the special .fancytree(COMMAND) syntax:

// Get or set an option (note: tree.getOption() is the preferred method)
var autoScroll = $("#tree").fancytree("option", "autoScroll");
$("#tree").fancytree("option", "autoCollapse", true);
// Disable the tree
// Get the Fancytree instance for a tree widget
var tree = $.ui.fancytree.getTree("#tree");

See also the list of widget methods.

Note: Widget methods are deprecated and can mostly be replaced by native API calls:

// Get the Fancytree instance
var tree = $.ui.fancytree.getTree("#tree");
var autoScroll = tree.getOption("autoScroll");
tree.setOption("autoCollapse", true);

We can get all Fancytree widgets using a special selector:

var $allTrees = $(":ui-fancytree");

Tree methods and properties require a Fancytree object instance:

// Get the Fancytree instance
var tree = $.ui.fancytree.getTree("#tree");
// Use the API
alert("We have " + tree.count() + " nodes.");

See also the list of Fancytree methods

Node methods and properties require a FancytreeNode object instance. Node objects are returned by many functions or passed as argument to event handlers.

// Get a FancytreeNode instance
var tree = $.ui.fancytree.getTree("#tree");
var node = tree.getActiveNode();
// Use the API
node.setTitle("New title");
  activate: function(event, data){
    // A node was activated: display its title:
    var tree = data.tree,
        node = data.node;

See also the list of FancytreeNode methods

Additional information:


[Howto] Rename or redraw a node
  var tree = $.ui.fancytree.getTree("#tree");
  var node = tree.getActiveNode();
  // set the 'selected' status and update the display:
  // changing other attributes may require explicit rendering:
  node.title = node.title + "_copy";
  node.tooltip = "new";
  node.selected = true;
[Howto] Call asynchrous methods

Fancytree returns jQuery deferreds / promises for most asynchronous methods:

  var tree = $.ui.fancytree.getTree("#tree"),
      activeNode = tree.getActiveNode();

    // The 'done' function is called after the expansion animation finished.
    alert("Node was expanded");
    // The 'fail' function is called on error
    // The 'always' function is always called.
[Howto] Traverse all nodes recursively
  var tree = $.ui.fancytree.getTree("#tree");

  // Expand all tree nodes
[Howto] Add child nodes
  var tree = $.ui.fancytree.getTree("#tree");
  var activeNode = tree.getActiveNode();

    title: "Document using a custom icon",
    icon: "customdoc1.gif"