Gisty allows you to paste code to
The following options are available:
- --login : Your Git username
- --password : Your Git password
- --filename : The file to be added to gist
- --description : The description of your new gist
- --private : Add this option to make your gist private
- --ext : The extension of your file for syntax highlight. eg: .py, .c, .cs, .pl, .diff etc.
Warning : Private gist are not secured. Anyone with the URL can access them.
Run the following commands:
git clone [email protected]:maraca/gisty.git
cd gisty
You can now access gisty by doing the following; bin/gisty
After installing gisty, you can start using it. cat 'yourfile.txt' | bin/gisty --login=yourusername
Gisty will return the url of your gist in the terminal. If you have pbcopy installed, the url will be copied to your clipboard.
By default, gist will consider your file as a text file. To add an extension to your file, and add a better syntax, use the --ext command For example : git diff | gisty --ext=.diff Will show a colored diff syntax with green / red background. cat | gisty Will add syntax for python etc.
I've added gist to my ~/bin/ folder
vim ~/bin/gisty
Then add :
~/bin/gist/bin/gisty --login=yourusername $*
That way I can use gisty anytime and anywhere :)
echo 'Hi gisty ! ' | gisty
Will return
echo 'Hi gisty!' | gisty
Password for yourusername@github:
This project is a fork of a gist by Marc Abramowitz.