HuskSheets is a collaborsative spreadsheet program that allows spreadsheets to be created, saved, and worked on by serveral users simultaneously.
make build
- Builds and runs the project and runs all tests in one step
- Note: The tests take a moment to run
To change ther base API URL run
make build endpoint={API_BASE_URL}
- We have implemented all of the MVP and desirables features
- New user creation and login
- Users can create a new account and login as a subscriber or a publisher
- Dynamic size of the sheet
- The sheet can be expanded by the user
- Persistent login
- Users can stay logged in even after relaoding the page or navigating to a different page
- Private sheets
- Users can create private sheets that only they can access by appending "-private" to the end of the sheet name
- Server performance improvements
- We have optimized the server to reduce network overhead to the minimum level required and we have reduced the number of db queries necessary in normal operation
- Export sheet as CSV
- Duplicate sheet names
- One user may have multiple sheets with the same name
- Each occurance will have a number automatically appended to the end of the sheet