- add watched directory and output directory
- add tmp-working directory to place the tmp files to another location than project root.
Hide the output terminal and fome for a later evaluation:
nohup jumpcutter.py ... &
Automatically edits videos. Explanation here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQ8orIurGxw
Go here for a more polished version of this software that my friends and I have been working on fr the last year or so: https://jumpcutter.com/
Since my GitHub is more like a dumping ground or personal journal, I'm not going to be actively updating this GitHub repo. But if you do want a version of jumpcutter that is actively being worked on, please do check on the version at https://jumpcutter.com/! There's way more developers fixing bugs and adding new features to that tool, and there's a developer's Discord server to discuss anything JC-related, so go check it out!
It uses Python 3.
It works on Ubuntu 16.04 and Windows 10. (It might work on other OSs too, we just haven't tested it yet.)
This program relies heavily on ffmpeg. It will start subprocesses that call ffmpeg, so be aware of that!
As the program runs, it saves every frame of the video as an image file in a temporary folder. If your video is long, this could take a LOT of space. I have processed 17-minute videos completely fine, but be wary if you're gonna go longer.
I want to use pyinstaller to turn this into an executable, so non-techy people can use it EVEN IF they don't have Python and all those libraries. Jabrils recommended this to me. However, my pyinstaller build did not work. :( HELP
to get a script with all the libraries and ffmpeg, nix-build -A bundle
to get a single binary.