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marcjulianschwarz edited this page Feb 23, 2022 · 1 revision

class watchlib.filtering.DiagonalBBoxFilter()

This filter will only select routes that have a longer diagonal from the point in the most southwest to the point in the most northeast position on the route than diagonal_distance. It uses the Haversine Formula to calculate the distance between two points on earths surface.

from watchlib.filtering import BBoxFilter


  • diagonal_distance : float (in kilometers)



Use the filter() method to filter a list of WorkoutRoute according to diagonal_distance.



Usage: routes is a list of WorkoutRoute previously loaded using DataLoader or CacheHandler.

from watchlib.filtering import DiagonalBBoxFilter

dbb_filter = DiagonalBBoxFilter(diagonal_distance=10)
filtered_routes = dbb_filter.filter(routes)

# len(filtered_routes) <= len(routes)

Utility Methods

Get maximum diagonal distance

Use the max_bbox() method to get the maximum diagonal distance from a list of WorkoutRoute.


  • routes : List[WorkoutRoute]


  • float

Usage: routes is a list of WorkoutRoute previously loaded using DataLoader or CacheHandler.

from watchlib.filtering import DiagonalBBoxFilter

max_diagonal_distance = DiagonalBBoxFilter.max_bbox(routes)

Get minimum diagonal distance

Use the min_bbox() method to get the minimum diagonal distance from a list of WorkoutRoute.


  • routes : List[WorkoutRoute]


  • float

Usage: routes is a list of WorkoutRoute previously loaded using DataLoader or CacheHandler.

from watchlib.filtering import DiagonalBBoxFilter

min_diagonal_distance = DiagonalBBoxFilter.min_bbox(routes)