A simple grid (editable table) for AngularJS.
- Multiple edit modes: all cells editable, per-row editing (each row is read-only until changed to edit mode), or uneditable (just a table)
- Row selection (single or multi-select)
- Keyboard navigation (up/down in a cell move to same cell in next/previous row)
- Paging support
- Dynamically updatable configuration object (columns setup, editing modes, etc. - thanks to Angular!)
Of course, the grid support all input types natively supported by browsers, including all of Angular's special validated input types: text, checkbox, number, url, email and also select and textarea.
- Pure angular, no other dependencies.
- Works the 'angular way' (model binding, form controllers, etc.) to make it natural for integration in an angular app.
- Easy to customize - use css with angular's form classes (
, etc.) - or just copy & change the template html from the source.
The Demo. Click it.
Either by cloning this git, or using bower:
bower install angular-simple-grid
<!-- should be below where you declare ng-app in your html -->
<script type="text/ng-template" id="simple-grid.html" src="path/to/simple-grid.html"></script>
<script src="path/to/simple-grid.js"></script>
CSS (optional - built for Bootstrap 3. You'll probably want to augment or replace it):
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/simple-grid.css" />
...to your angular module:
angular.module('myApp', ['simpleGrid'])
<div simple-grid="myGridConfig"></div>
$scope.myData = [{ age: 3, name: 'star' },
{ age: 2, name: 'sparky' }];
$scope.myGridConfig = {
// should return your data (an array)
getData: function () { return $scope.myData; },
options: {
showDelete: true,
columns: [{ field: 'age', inputType: 'number' },
{ field: 'name' }]
All set!
Hopefully up-to-date in respect to the source.
$scope.myGridConfig = {
// should return your data (an array)
getData: function () { return $scope.myData; },
options: {
columns: [
field: 'species',
title: 'Species', // optional, default is field with first letter capitalized
inputType: 'number', // optional, default = text. one of: text, number, checkbox, select
required: false, // optional, default = false
disabled: false // optional, default = false
// required if inputType is 'select' - feeds the dropdown
// array of objects with {value: , title: } properties
// alternative format: array of strings (each will serve as both value and title)
options: [{ value: 'f', title: 'flamingo'},
{ value: 'd', title: 'dog'}]
// ...more columns
// optional - are the cells in the grid actually editable?
editable: true,
// optional, default = false. Relevant only if editable = true.
// use together with showEditButton, see below.
perRowEditModeEnabled: false,
// optional - if set to 'true' and editable is true, the grid is editable (cells are input controls) but they are all disabled
disabled: false,
// optional - will show a 'delete' button at the end of each row
showDeleteButton: false,
// optional - will show an 'edit' button at the end of each row (useful when perRowEditModeEnabled)
showEditButton: false,
// optional - callbacks for actions on rows
editRequested: function (row) { },
rowDeleted: function (row) { },
cellFocused: function (row, column) { },
rowSelected: function (row) { },
See the demo
directory in the source for the demo's source,
Since Angular's performance deteriorates when there are too many bindings, the grid can become quite slow with as few as 20-30 rows, if using drop-downs (or just a slow browser).
To work around this issue you can:
- Use paging (see below)
- Use per-row editing mode (the grid will use a lot less bindings, since most of the table will be non-editable)
- Limit the usage of drop-downs
- Use less columns
The grid supports paging through the pageNum
and pageSize
configuration properties. Currently you have to add the prev/next buttons yourself and wire them up to change the pageNum
appropriately (see the demo source for an example usage).
For bugs or suggestions, use github issues.
Otherwise, just send your pull requests!