Text of the Tanakh (Jewish Bible), with various formatting and notation, based on Rabbi Seth (Avi) Kadish's "Miqra al pi ha-Masorah" version of the Tanakh (on Google Sheets) which is the source of the Miqra al pi ha-Masorah edition of the Hebrew Bible on Hebrew Wikisource.
Some of the scripts used to create these files can be found at https://github.com/marcstober/miqra-scripts.
This is a copy of files from bdenckla's MAM-parsed repository.
As of March 2024, this is an exact copy of the 24 files, one for each book in the traditional enumeration of 24 books.
Specifically, this is a copy of the "plus" version of the data from that repository.
A new file, book24names.json
, maps the 24 books to the 6 files (in a traditional grouping of those books) in the old version of the data.
Licensed under the same terms as the version on Wikisource. License information from Wikisource:
Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. See Terms of Use for details.