This was a proof-of-concept for LGS that never went anywhere. Abandoned.
- In console,
git clone
npm install
ng serve
- In second console,
ng test
- In third console,
git status
- Before ng2 cli, need Node.js > 4; got stable (v4.6.0) from
- Before ng2 cli, need npm > 3:
npm install -g npm@latest
(3.10.8) - Before ng2 cli, have to install git from
- Close command prompt and reopen for git to be in path.
npm install -g angular-cli
- Create blank repo on by
- clicking Start a Project,
- adding a name mashup (note SIMPLE name for deploy), and
- clicking Create Repository.
ng new mashup --style=scss
(note: same name as repo for deploy)cd mashup
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master
(the u allows future simplegit pull
)- On each commit:
git status
git add .
git log -1
(flag is a number--how many commit messages to see)git commit -m "<message here>"
- and eventually
git push -u origin master
ng github-pages:deploy
worked in seconds; only favicon err serve
works; and then in other console,ng e2e test
works (debug, ctrl-shift-i to see test results in console)- Create semantic header main and footer tags in app.component.html:
<header role="banner"></header>
<main role="main"></main>
<footer role="contentinfo"></footer>
- Add some styles in styles.scss and app.component.scss.
- Create /layout/ folder.
- Generate components (that will be nested inside the semantic tags):
ng g component layout/header
ng g component layout/main-content
ng g component layout/footer
- Add new tags to app.component.html (e.g. ).
- That breaks unit test: 'app-header' is not a known element.
- To fix, copy imports and declarations from app.module.ts,
- paste in app.component.spec.ts
- e2e okay, test okay, serve okay, console okay, deploy okay
npm install @ngrx/core @ngrx/store --save
- Noticing unmet peer dependencies. Ignoring for now.
- Create a footer reducer with action for toggling size.
in app.module.ts and app.component.spec.ts.- e2e working; test okay if change footer test to be like app test.
- Footer test constructor won't work until it gets a store argument.
- Add footer button that dispatches the TOGGLE_FOOTER_SIZE action.
- e2e okay, test okay, serve okay, console okay
- Have footer height respond to state change.
- e2e okay, test okay, serve okay, console okay, deploy okay
npm install angular2-grid --save
- Put angular2-grid in main-content.
- e2e okay, test okay, serve okay, console okay
- Make buttons and boxes for Plugins, Map, and Table
- test okay, serve okay, console okay, deploy okay
npm install --save leaflet
npm install primeng --save
ng g component plugins/plugins-manager
ng g component plugins/map
ng g component plugins/hlr
- Get button clicks to toggle isWindowVisible/isBoxVisible.
- test okay, serve okay, console okay
npm install --save ramda
- Get windows/boxes to appear/disappear based on isBoxVisible.
- test okay, serve okay, console okay, deploy okay
- Get plugin components into main-content and change title.
- e2e okay, test okay, serve okay, console okay
- Fix header css etc.
- test okay, serve okay, console okay
- Try to add primeng but fail: angular/issues/4974 primeng/issues/732
git stash -u
git checkout -b primengAttempt
git stash pop
git add .
git commit -m "Effort to use primeng"
git push origin primengAttempt
(for backup)git checkout master
- Clean up boxes/plugins
npm install --save @types/ramda
- test okay, serve okay, console okay
- tried referencing script in angular-cli.json,
- nice in console,
- worked in code with no import, but
- gave ugly cannot find name errors, so left out for now.
- as workaround, use console on ramda's website.
npm install express --save
npm install request --save
- Create ip addr input and add/x button.
- Some tests broken.
- Add plugin-form component; fix some tests.
- Just noticed angular2-grid behavior is broken.
- After any resize; height always snaps to 1.
- No longer floating up after drag.
- Just noticed angular2-grid behavior is broken.
- Fix some css on plugin-form. Windowing still buggy.
- Create new plugin on submit. It adds button.
- Make footer button-click show/hide box.
- Add new stuff top left.
- Tests still failing.
- Box resize still buggy.
- serve and console okay.
- Improve forms, footer, and tests
- Can handle many buttons
- Form now has select and x but not functional
- test okay(!), serve okay, console okay
- Box resize still buggy
- Insert first iframe (map)
- test okay, serve okay, console okay
- Correct grid-item scrolling
- test okay, serve okay, console okay
- Create app-frame component
- test okay, serve okay, console okay
- Input URL and name to box and button
- test okay, serve okay, console okay
- Send url as input to app-frame
- test okay, serve okay, console okay
- Set up a Node.js Express server
- In mashup so there's just one git repo.
- iframe works with http://localhost:8181
- test okay, serve okay, console okay
- Create combo-a plugin/widget
- cd src/app/plugins
ng g component combo-a
- test okay, serve okay, console okay
- Fix form dropdowns and non-url titles
- test okay, serve okay, console okay
- Get combo-a box to display app-combo-a component
- test okay, serve okay, console okay
- Get app-combo-a to display a line for each bsr
- test okay, serve okay, console okay
- Get app-combo-a to display an on/off for each bsr
- test okay, serve okay (except case warning), console okay
- Install
- I'd rather use express-ws but it's not well documented.
npm install --save
npm install --save
npm install @types/ --save
- Nothing else yet.
- test okay, serve okay, console okay
- Create server and gen service
- server based on
- test okay, serve okay, console okay
- Moved and developed service
cd src/app/shared/services/
ng g service external-subscribe
cd ../../../..
- imported and added to providers in app.module
- imported (@types above helped)
- got some websocket communication happening
- test okay, serve okay, console okay
- Get combo-a (on-off) to be reactive.
- Not yet connected to real external device; just node.js stub.
- For now, doing websockets within component as service couldn't import?
- For now, using separate list combo-a as using plugins made iframes flash.
- serve okay, console okay, toggle isBoxVisible okay, toggle footer okay
- One test (the third app test) now failing due to timeout. Changelist: modified: modified: express/index.js modified: src/app/app.component.spec.ts modified: src/app/app.module.ts modified: src/app/layout/footer/footer.component.ts modified: src/app/layout/main-content/main-content.component.ts modified: src/app/plugins/combo-a/combo-a.component.html modified: src/app/plugins/combo-a/combo-a.component.ts modified: src/app/plugins/map/map.component.ts modified: src/app/plugins/plugins-manager/plugin-form/plugin-form.component.ts new file: src/app/shared/functions/toggleItemProp.ts new file: src/app/shared/reducers/combo-a.ts modified: src/app/shared/reducers/plugins.ts modified: src/app/shared/services/external-subscribe.service.ts
- Get server to speak to bsr device, display its mode on client.
- Now two tests failing instead of one.
- lite okay, browser okay, express okay
- Maybe too much knowledge on client side?
- Get rfStatus wired up
- Use mode to determine rfStatus, display it reactively.
- Let click change rf status of remote device.
- lite okay, browser okay, express okay
- Adjust colors of combo lines
- class="device-line {{device.rfStatus}}" worked
- [ngClass]="{on: device.rfStatus === 'Running' }" caused drag bug
- lite okay, browser okay, express okay
- Display band
- lite okay, browser okay, express okay if no non-bsr url used
- Allow whistle copy and paste (non-bsr url)
- lite okay, browser okay, express okay
- Tried and failed to control whistle via post request
- Commented most of the code, deleted the rest.
- lite okay, browser okay, express okay
- Get map, frame, and bsrs title looking better
- lite okay, browser okay, express okay
- Links to open bsr in new tab
- lite okay, browser okay, express okay
- Allow to turn all bsrs on/off
- lite okay, browser okay, express okay
- Fix title links and form dropdown
- lite okay, browser okay, express okay
Stop duplicating code (main.. & combo-a..)
x to remove component/widget
prob refactor to put node logic in node
touch screen
prevent js errors when resizing too fast etc.
have a better resize handle that doesn't cause scrolling (bottom right)
remote only bsrs (control rf without huge client resource drain)
material design?
Spark week charging: took maybe 52.5? (40 as me, 12.5 as Ryan?)
Notes for bsrsims we did in cud: simA 13000 ./_linux_x86.obs/BSRsim -p 40137 -s 5998 -d 5124
simM 13001 ./_linux_x86.obs/BSRsim -p 40138 -s 5999 -d 5125
simO 13002 DIDN'T WORK ./_linux_x86.obs/BSRsim -p 40139 -s 6000 -d 5126
simC 13003 ./_linux_x86.obs/BSRsim -p 40136 -s 5997 -d 5123
if url, frame? yes, because url is generic, dangerous if bsr, may be able to do ng2 component an aggregate app uses all urls, not just one bsrs etc may serve as aggregate (e.g. mapping) both front and proxy need plugin architecture aggregate plugins have front and proxy sides aggregate plugins have apis e.g., here's how you tell me your rf state (or lat-long) here's how I tell you your rf needs to toggle adapter plugins join e.g. bsr to map or bsr to rf i.e. it joins a source app to an aggregate app/plugin adapter plugins can be front or (usually) proxy
This project was generated with angular-cli version 1.0.0-beta.17.
Run ng serve
for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
Run ng generate component component-name
to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive/pipe/service/class
Run ng build
to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/
directory. Use the -prod
flag for a production build.
Run ng test
to execute the unit tests via Karma.
Run ng e2e
to execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor.
Before running the tests make sure you are serving the app via ng serve
Run ng github-pages:deploy
to deploy to Github Pages.
To get more help on the angular-cli
use ng --help
or go check out the Angular-CLI README.