Matplotlib is a Python library for creating various types of visualizations, such as plots, histograms, and scatterplots. It's highly customizable and commonly used for data visualization tasks, offering flexibility and control over the appearance of the plots.
Matplotlib was initially released in 2003 by John D. Hunter. It is a powerful and open-source library Python library for data visualization.
- Python
- Pip or Conda (depending on user)
Install Matplotlib with pip :
pip install matplotlib
Install Matplotlib with conda :
# anaconda main channel
conda install matplotlib
# conda-forge community channel
conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib
Matplotlib offers a wide range of plot types, making it suitable for diverse data visualization needs.
It allows users to customize every aspect of their plots, providing control over colors, labels, annotations, and more.
Matplotlib integrates seamlessly with other Python libraries and has a large and active community, providing extensive documentation and support.