Android application showcasing various types of alert dialogs
- Radio button dialog: Allows the user to select a single option from a list of radio buttons.
- Multi-choice dialog: Allows the user to select multiple options from a list of checkboxes.
- Spinner dialog: Displays a dropdown list for the user to select an option.
- Login dialog: Prompts the user to enter a username and password.
- Calendar selection dialog: Displays a calendar for the user to select a date.
- Time selection dialog: Displays a clock for the user to select a time.
- Custom alert dialog: Shows a custom-designed alert dialog.
- Classic alert dialog: Displays a simple alert dialog with positive and negative buttons.
To use the application, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository to your local machine.
- Open the project in Android Studio.
- Build and run the application on an Android device or emulator.
- AndroidX AppCompat Library: Provides backward compatibility for modern UI features.
- AndroidX Fragment Library: Allows the use of fragments to build reusable UI components.
- AndroidX RecyclerView Library: Enables the display of scrollable lists.
- AndroidX ConstraintLayout Library: Helps create flexible and responsive UI layouts.
- AndroidX CardView Library: Renders cards with rounded corners and drop shadows.
- AndroidX Core Library: Provides core functionality and utility classes for Android apps.
This project is free to use. Feel free to modify and distribute it as per your requirements.