This is a collection of games in JS and HTML5, made just for fun. project page
I've started this little games projects, inspired by some Computer Graphics classes. Our goal there, was to develop a game in Java using OpenGL (with JOGL framework). After finished the game, I was reading an article about HTML5 and it's powers, so a became interested to learn something about it. My first game using JS and HTML5, was inspired by a simple game machine that was popular with kids here Brazil in 90's. I've tried to make an racing game exactly the same (or almost) it was playing with the machine and that's how this entire project was born. This project is to learn something new, something fun to do in my spare time.
- MiniRacer
- Maze Escape
- Azure Star
- TicTacBred
- Robin Moody
If you feel interested in help, ask, say, comment something or even an idea of a game, feel free to send an message, email or anything, just contact me and we can discuss.
This project is under MIT license, so it is yours like is mine.