A Node.js module for the BH1750 I2C light sensor.
Built using node v11.9.0
This module uses i2c-bus which should provide access with Node.js on Linux boards like the Raspberry Pi Zero, 1, 2, or 3B and +, BeagleBone, BeagleBone Black, or Intel Edison.
Since BH1750 needs to talk directly to the I2C bus and requires access to /dev/i2c, you will typically need run Node with elevated privileges or add your user account to the i2c group: $ sudo adduser $USER i2c. On Raspberry PI, be sure to enable I2C protocol in system configuration before proceeding.
//require module
const BH1750 = require('./bh1750');
//addr: is the I2C address of the sensor, defaults to 0x23
//bus: I2C bus number using for communications, defaults to 1
//read: can be 'continuous' or 'onetime'
//onetime puts the device to sleep after read, saves a little bit of power. If not concerned with consumption can use continuous
//create a new instance
const bh1750_1 = new BH1750({addr: 0x23, bus: 1, read: 'onetime'});
//readLight function returns a Promise so need to unwrap it
//value is in lumens
bh1750_1.readLight().then(r => {
//after unwrap promise, console.log the result
//can also set an interval
setInterval( () => {
bh1750_1.readLight().then(r => {
}, 2000);
//if have a second light sensor, call another instance
//ensure to use the correct addr!!!
const bh1750_2 = new BH1750({addr: 0x5C, bus: 1, read: 'onetime'});
bh1750_2.readLight().then(r => {
//after unwrap promise, console.log the result