This is a Raspberry Pi Projekt for the German Jugend Forscht competition. This Code controlls WS2812B LEDs using the SPI port of the Raspberry Pi by calculating a Fast Fourier Transform. The code I wrote makes use of the GPU_FFT library ( and code to steer the WS2812b LEDs (
fft.c is the main file and requires 1 to 3 arguments, the
- 1st is a mono .wav file to play or "mic" if you want to use an external microphone
- 2nd is the mode 1-4 to for displaying the sound
- 3nd is optional. If set to "log" displays Bins logarythmically on LED-Strip. If set as something else the frequency spectrum of each time frame should be scaled to 1 for the highest FFT amplitude.
The Modes are in the led_modes.c file
- Mode 1 maps each LED a number of bins and displays a color spectrum and the brightness is the amplitude(has to be optimized).
- Mode 2 maps each LED a number of bins and the color is the amplitude.
- Mode 3 is the same as mode 2 but the base is additional brightness.
- Mode 4 displays a snake that always adds the frequency with the highest amplitude to the beginning.
- Mode 5 displays the current volume using the number of LEDs. The color is represented by the most domiante frequency
#Update system
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
#Install missing librarys
sudo apt-get install libsndfile1 libsndfile1-dev
#Clone Project
git clone
cd rpi-fft-led
#Build Project
make fft.bin
An example call would be:
sudo ./fft.bin example.wav 4
sudo ./fft.bin mic 2
Run the code using sudo since the GPU_FFT code makes use of the GPU, which requires root permissions.
The Langfassung.pdf is the Document I wrote for the Jugend Forscht Contest. It is in German but goes a bit deeper into how and why I've built this Project.
In developing this, I made use of the following information:
For the spi interface Copyright (c) 2016 penfold42
For the GPU_FFT Copyright (c) 2014 Andrew Holme.
Copyright (c) 2018 mariusdkm
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Softare Foundation, version 2.