Controller to keypress mapper for UEVR. Maps mouse pointer, mouse buttons, and keyboard presses for games that are mouse and keyboard only to the controllers.
See sample config file joytokey.txt included with the dll. These go in the game's plugin folder together. Edit the joytokey.txt for your game.
All keys are use the hex code starting with 0x in the windows virtual key list below. Letters A-Z and 0-9 can be used in place of the hex codes. All others must be the hex code. Hex must start with 0x. Not 0X, nothing else except 0x
The list is here:
For example, to set to A, you can use A or 0x41. To set to 5, use 5 or 0x35. To set to DEL, use 0x2E The single keys can only be used for A-Z, 0-9. All other keys must use the hex code from the link above. Some common key codes are: Backspace: 0x08 Tab: 0x09 Enter: 0x0D Escape: 0x1B Space: 0x20 Ins: 0x2D Del: 0x2E Arrows: (left, up, right, down) 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28 Numpad 0 - Numpad 9: 0x60 - 0x69 F1 - F10: 0x70 - 0x79
Leaving a button unassigned or setting to 0 disables it.
Mouse You can set mouse clicks using the same link above: Left Button: 0x01 Right Button: 0x02 Middle Button: 0x04 XButton1: 0x05 XButton2: 0x06
If left unassigned, the right stick maps to the mouse pointer. There is currently no sensitivity adjustments for this. You can assign the sticks to buttons or directly to 0 to disable the mouse. Leaving it empty defaults to right stick moving mouse.
Shift Key GAMEPAD_LB can be shift so leave it unassigned if you wish to use it as such. This will allow for a second set of keys while holding shift