- JS Framework: React + Typescript
- Blockchain components: Ethers.js + web3-context
- Styling: JSS + Chainsafe UI Styling
- Forms & Validation: Formik + Yup
- Notifications: Chainsafe UI Components
yarn install
Create a .env
file based on the .env.example
file in the root of the project.
Get a Blocknative DAPP ID (here)[https://explorer.blocknative.com/account] and populate the respective field in the .env
For running a local instance use the command:
yarn start
The codebase is configured to be run against the Geth <> Substrate node that can be set up by following the guide (here)[https://chainbridge.chainsafe.io/local/] or executing:
yarn start:substrate
to start,yarn setup:example
to initialize
Should the substrate chain you are targetting require different type definitions, these can be updated in ChainbridgeAPI.tsx
Update the configs for the bridge in src/chainbridgeContext.ts
. There should be at least 2 chains configured for correct functioning of the bridge. Each chain accepts the following configuration parameters:
export type BridgeConfig = {
networkId?: number; // The networkId of this chain.
chainId: number; // The bridge's chainId.
name: string; // The human readable name of this chain.
rpcUrl: string; // An RPC URL for this chain.
type: ChainType; // The type of chain.
tokens: TokenConfig[]; // An object to configure the tokens (see below)
nativeTokenSymbol: string; // The native token symbol of this chain.
decimals: number;
type TokenConfig = {
address: string; // The address of the ERC20 token
name?: string; // The name of the ERC20 token. This can be left out if the token implements the ERC20Detailed standard
symbol?: string; // The symbol of the ERC20 token. This can be left out if the token implements the ERC20Detailed standard
imageUri?: string; // A URL pointing to the token logo. Can be either locally or externally hosted.
resourceId: string; // The resourceId to be used when transferring tokens of this type.
isNativeWrappedToken?: boolean // Flag to indicate that this is a wrapped native token (eg wETH on Ethereum). If this flag is not set for any of the tokens provided for this chain, wrapping functionality will be unavailable on that network.
EVM Chains should additionally be configured with the following params
export type EvmBridgeConfig = BridgeConfig & {
bridgeAddress: string;
erc20HandlerAddress: string;
type: "Ethereum";
nativeTokenSymbol: string;
// This should be the full path to display a tx hash, without the trailing slash, ie. https://etherscan.io/tx
blockExplorer?: string;
defaultGasPrice?: number;
deployedBlockNumber?: number;
Substrate chains should be configured with the following
export type SubstrateBridgeConfig = BridgeConfig & {
type: "Substrate";
chainbridgePalletName: string; // The name of the chainbridge palette
transferPalletName: string; // The name of the pallet that should initiate transfers
Run yarn build
Deploy the contents of the /build
folder to any static website host (eg. S3, Azure storage) or IPFS.
The project can also be built and deployed to Netlify, Render.com by configuring the Build command and Publish directory on the respective service.
We take all security issues seriously, if you believe you have found a security issue within a ChainSafe project please notify us immediately. If an issue is confirmed, we will take all necessary precautions to ensure a statement and patch release is made in a timely manner.
Please email us a description of the flaw and any related information (e.g. reproduction steps, version) to security at chainsafe dot io.