GitHub Action
Save stack outputs
Save CloudFormation stack outputs to job-level env vars for use by other steps. Inspired by deep-mm/set-variables.
This is designed for common use cases such as passing variables from a frontend stack to a backend stack and vice versa, or passing stack output values to a set of integration tests.
In this case, some components of my-app need to share information that is not known until the respective stack has been deployed.
- The backend needs to know the URL where the frontend is deployed, so that it can configure things like CORS and OAuth callback URLs accordingly.
- When building the frontend website, it needs to know some things from the backend stack such as the API URL(s), IDP config (e.g. Auth/Token URL, User Pool ID, etc.)
- name: Deploy frontend infra
working-directory: frontend
run: |
sam deploy --stack-name my-app-frontend-infra \
--s3-bucket $ARTIFACT_BUCKET \
--no-fail-on-empty-changeset \
--no-confirm-changeset \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
##### Use the save-stack-outputs action here. #####
- name: Save frontend stack outputs
uses: puremcc/save-stack-outputs@v1
stack-name: my-app-frontend-infra
## Github Workflow Output:
# Saving outputs from stack 'my-app-frontend-infrae' to the following env vars:
# BucketName: my-app-website-bucket
# WebsiteUrl:
# DistributionId: ABCDE12345
# Now we can use $WebsiteUrl for the 'AppHostUrl' parameter override when
# deploying our backend stack.
- name: Deploy backend
working-directory: backend
run: |
sam deploy --stack-name my-app-backend-infra \
--s3-bucket $ARTIFACT_BUCKET \
--no-fail-on-empty-changeset \
--no-confirm-changeset \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
--parameter-overrides "AppHostUrl=$WebsiteUrl"
##### Use the save-stack-outputs action here. #####
- name: Save backend stack outputs
uses: puremcc/save-stack-outputs@v1
stack-name: my-app-backend-infra
## Github Workflow Output:
# Saving outputs from stack 'my-app-backend-infra' to the following env vars:
# UserPoolId: us-east-1_aBcD1234
# UserPoolAuthDomain:
# UserPoolWebClientId: 8ja2f1lhj36db3ima7qpuvdlp
# UserPoolRegion: us-east-1
# ApiUrl:
# Frontend JS compiler can now use the environment variables that were set from
# the stack outputs in the previous step.
- name: Build frontend for Dev
working-directory: frontend
run: npm run build