$ forge install
$ forge test -vvvv
Old version TransparentUpgradeableProxy on deploy and upgrade you was be must took in advance deploy ProxyAdmin but on new version it's chanded. And now, you must specify in TransparentUpgradeableProxy initialOwner and inside the proxy will deploy ProxyAdmin. It is not possible to get the address of a simple call from the contract, this creates problems in testing and other functionality.
We have several various:
- Change visibility function getAdmin() contract TransparentUpgradeableProxy what not true.
- Get b><ProxyAdmin address from events and logs. We can use.
Vm.Log[] memory entries = vm.getRecordedLogs();
Get ProxyAdmin address from Logs foundry and array entries.
Simple contract: Counter.sol
Script deploy contract: Counter.s.sol
Tests contract: Counter.t.sol