The distribution contains the full net-beans project including distribution compiled jar file and javamail.jar file for using the java mail api
You need to alter the properties file which is the source folder and and where the **** are fill out all relevant details pertaining to your email provider
You can either do this by unzipping the jar file and and then saving your alterations directly or by altering the mail,properties file which is contained in the source folder
contains two subheadings for list.recip1 , list.recip2 You can add to this list and create more entries for persons whom you want to receive your emails or you can add this into the code yourself
You can also alter the message but this would mean recompiling I'm working on this at present with a full gui so that you can change the message
If you want to add photos then you can You must save one copy to the main project folder and one copy to the distribution folder
Dont ask me why you have to do this but for some reason after compiling in net beans and running the compiled jarfile this is works however the path of the attached file is different to that seen by the distribution path
Im currently working on other aspects but due to having to move my time is occupied extensively at present