- Raspbery Pi3
- Etekcity Wireless Remote Control Electrical Outlet Switch
- UCEC XY-MK-5V / XY-FST 433Mhz Rf Transmitter and Receiver Link
# apt install python3-pip supervisor
# pip3 install rpi-rf pyaml flask flask-ast
Run sudo ./install.sh
to auto install dependencies and create log dirs/files
transmitter | pi
5V5 | 5V5
receiver | pi
3V3 | 3V3
- Using the above pinout, hook up the rf receiver unit to the Raspberry Pi 3.
- Run the rf_receive.py script, press the on/off buttons on your rf switch remote, and record the code, pulse length, and protocol
sudo python3 rf_receive.py -g 23
- Modify the config.yaml file to include the recorded devices on/off codes, pulse length, and protocol
- Hook up the rf transmitter unit according to the above pinout.
- On the raspberry pi, run rf_control.py:
python rf_control.pi
- On the Raspberry Pi, unzip the ngrok zip file:
unzip /path/to/ngrok.zip
- Run ngrok:
./ngrok http 5000
Make note of the last HTTPS endpoint. 8. In your amazon developers account, go to Alexa > Add Skill 9. In 'Skill Information', set the following:
- Name: Device Control
- Invocation Name: Device Control
- In 'Interaction Model', set the following, copy/paste the intent_schema.json and sample_utterances.txt into the appropriate fields.
- Still under 'Interaction Model', click 'Add Slot Type'. Configure the following:
- Enter Type: DEVICES
- Enter Values: e.g.:
living room lights
lights in the living room
the lights
- In 'Configuration', set the Service Endpoint Type to HTTPS and enter the ngrok https url recorded previously for the service endpoint.
- In 'SSL Certificate' select the wildcard certificate option.
- That's it! Go test your new skill.