A simple chain of responsibility pipeline for .NET
You should install Pipr with NuGet:
Install-Package Pipr
Or via the .NET Core command line interface:
dotnet add package Pipr
Either commands, from Package Manager Console or .NET Core CLI, will download and install Pipr and all required dependencies.
First, create some steps that implement IStep<Tin, Tout>.
public class ToStringStep : IStep<int, string>
public string Execute(int input, PipelineContext context)
return input.ToString();
public class DoublerStep : IStep<string, string>
public string Execute(string input, PipelineContext context)
return input + input;
Then configure a pipeline by adding your steps
var pipeline = new PipelineBuilder()
.AddStep(new ToStringStep())
.AddStep(new DoublerStep())
var result = pipeline.Execute(12);
// result.Value in this example should be "1212"
The in/out of the pipeline can be inferred by the type system as you add steps.
Pipeline steps can cancel and abort further processing by calling
For example
public class CancellingStep : IStep<string, string>
public string Execute(string input, PipelineContext context)
return "a value";
If a step cancels further processing, no following steps will run, and the pipeline return value will be the default value for the return type.