Clever Home Automation
- Optimize self consumption of your home made energy
- Take into account climate and weather data
- Charge your electrical car with your own electricity
- Minimize cost for heating and warm water production
- Automate various devices such as lights, blinds, cooling according to your needs
- Support for a growing variety of devices from world leading manufacturers such as SolarEdge, Siemens, SmartFox, Netatmo, MobileAlerts, Shelly, MyStrom, Weishaupt, Volkswagen, Gardena, Threema
- Simple installation and robust operation thanks to state of the art Docker runtime environment
- Easily extensible and customizable thanks to OpenSource licensing
- Create a parameters.yaml file in config/ folder according to the parameters.yaml dist file
- Create a .env.local file according to the .env.local.dist file
$ chmod +x
$ ./
- Check using the following command, whether the application is running:
$ docker-compose ps
- place a dump file in the current directory (e.g. dump.sql)
- in the config file (.env.local), use the following string for database access:
- the system will automatically create a new dump file (gzipped) every day with the name dump_clevergy.sql.gz in the backup folder
$ docker stop clevergy_www_<myinstancename> # it might be a good idea to stop the running instance and restart it after the import
$ gunzip dump.sql.gz # use this command to unzip first, if you have a sql.gz file
$ docker exec -i clevergy_db_<myinstancename> mysql -uclevergy -pclevergy clevergy < dump.sql # use this command for loading the sql file
$ docker start clevergy_www_<myinstancename> # restart again
- Install (e.g. using a Raspberry Pi) avahi (installed in many Linux distributions by default) and apache2
$ apt-get install avahi-daemon apache2
$ a2enmod proxy_http
- Create config file for avahi as /etc/avahi/services/clevergy.service
<?xml version="1.0" standalone='no'?><!--*-nxml-*-->
<!DOCTYPE service-group SYSTEM "avahi-service.dtd">
<name replace-wildcards="yes">%h</name>
- Create config file for apache2 as /etc/apache2/sites-available/018-clevergy.conf
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin [email protected]
ServerName shellypro3em.local
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /
- activate configs, reload services or restart device
$ a2dissite 000-default.conf
$ a2ensite 018-clevergy
$ systemctl reload apache2
$ systemctl restart avahi-daemon
- set the correct hostname "ShellyPro3EM-clevergy.local" (in the Network Options --> Hostname menu); note, that the .local will be appended by the tool itself!
$ sudo raspi-config
$ shellypro3em