1 - Run the simple-cockroachdb-operator
kubectl apply --wait=true -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/marlonpatrick/kubernetes-cockroachdb-operator/master/operator-deploy/operator.yaml
kubectl -n simple-cockroachdb-operator get all
2 - Create a namespace to deploy a example cluster:
kubectl create namespace test-cockroachdb-operator
3 - Create a simple CockroachDBCluster
without backup activated OR create a cluster with backup:
3.1 - Without backup:
kubectl -n test-cockroachdb-operator apply --wait=true -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/marlonpatrick/kubernetes-cockroachdb-operator/master/operator-deploy/example-cockroachdb.yaml
# Wait until pod example-cockroachdb-cluster-0 is Ready/Running
watch kubectl -n test-cockroachdb-operator get all
3.2 With backup:
Setup AWS Secret that contains AWS config/credentials files (only necessary with example-cockroachdb-with-backup.yaml):
$ cat $AWS_DIR/credentials
aws_access_key_id = XXX
aws_secret_access_key = XXX
$ cat $AWS_DIR/config
region = <region>
kubectl -n test-cockroachdb-operator create secret generic aws-settings --from-file=$AWS_DIR/credentials --from-file=$AWS_DIR/config
Create the cluster:
# Download example file
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/marlonpatrick/kubernetes-cockroachdb-operator/master/operator-deploy/example-cockroachdb-with-backup.yaml
# MY_BUCKET: your AWS S3 bucket where backup files will be placed.
# MY_BUCKET_ROOT_PATH: the root directory from your AWS S3 Bucket where backup files will be placed.
# Final backup path: BUCKET/ROOT_PATH/database-name/backup-file.sql.gz
sed -e 's|${MY_BUCKET}|YOUR_BUCKET_NAME|g' \
example-cockroachdb-with-backup.yaml \
| kubectl -n test-cockroachdb-operator apply --wait=true -f -
# Wait until pod example-cockroachdb-cluster-0 is Ready/Running
watch kubectl -n test-cockroachdb-operator get all
4 - Test the cluster deploy:
kubectl -n test-cockroachdb-operator run cockroachdb -it \
--image=cockroachdb/cockroach:v19.2.2 \
--rm \
--restart=Never \
-- sql \
--insecure \
CREATE TABLE bank.accounts (
id UUID PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT gen_random_uuid(),
balance DECIMAL
INSERT INTO bank.accounts (balance)
(1000.50), (20000), (380), (500), (55000);
SELECT * FROM bank.accounts;
5 - If you deploy with backup activated, after 3 minutes, check your AWS S3 Bucket