I am a junior frontend programmer with experience in several programming languages and technologies. I have developed projects using JavaScript, Java, PHP, and C, I have worked as well with both SQL and non-relational databases such as MongoDB. In addition to my programming skills, I also have experience in web design using HTML and CSS, in addition to creating websites with WordPress. I have also used virtualization tools such as Docker, Virtualbox, AWS, and VMWare. I have used frameworks such as Angular, Lumen, among other tools like Postman, JSP, Bootstrap, Material.io, Figma, etc.
I am a passionate longlife learner and I am always looking to improve my programming and design skills. As a result, I have taken various courses in digital marketing, Python, Git/GitHub, testing, and other related fields. I love teamworking and I am a very collaborative person, always willing to share knowledge and learn from others. These interests led me to enroll at 42 Málaga, where I am currently a student.
If you find my profile interesting, please feel free to check out my projects on GitHub or visit my LinkedIn profile.
- Ilea | dog trainer - responsive web design (HTML & CSS)
- Scanner - responsive web design (HTML & CSS)
- Card game (JSP, HTML & CSS)
- More projects
Since september 2022 I am studying a higher level vocational training in Multi-platform Applications Development at Campanillas High School.
With this studies, I will acquire the General Competence with regard to developing, installing, documenting and maintaining multi-platform computer applications, using technologies and specific development environments, guaranteeing secure access to data and complying with «usability» and quality criteria required by established standards.
En noviembre de 2022 finalicé el CDP de Desarrollo de Aplicaciones con Tecnologías Web en el CIPFP Campanillas PTA.
Inside the 42 Network students are very proactive and engaged with a strong community and peer-to-peer curriculum. The education model focuses on project-based learning and teamwork, which is an outstanding methodology to develop both hard and soft skills.
In July 2022 I finished the "C Piscine", a 26-day on-site pre-selection period where candidates, not yet students, complete individual projects, pass exams and improve teamwork skills. After that, I was selected to continue at 42 as a student.
C Language: it is the first language that we learn at 42. dealing with variables, pointers, memory allocation, creating functions and programs, including the use and creation of libraries and Makefiles.
Shell: we learn basic to intermediate shell commands to seamlessly navigate through the terminal.
Git: all projects are submitted to a remote git repository, so students need to be familiar with this system.
Self-learning and proactiveness: at 42 we have to learn helping each others, searching in Google, trying and acquiring knowledge through trial and error.
Teamwork and communication: the whole system is based on peer-to-peer learning. Also, from time to time we have to collaborate in groups randomly chosen by the school's system to develop a fully running application.
Time management and productivity: during the Piscine, we work for 26 days in a fast-paced environment. Also, the school is open 24/7 for us. In order to deal with this and deliver our projects without "drowning", we need to develop excellent time management skills and to be productive.
Marina Ruiz