↑# TheoTown-translation Here everybody can help to localize TheoTown to other languages.
Every directory contains a values.xml file. The corresponding languages are:
values: English (default language) <- Always up to date
values-cs: Czech
values-de: German <- Always up to date
values-es: Spanish
values-fr: French
values-it: Italian
values-ja: Japanese
values-ko: Korean
values-ms: Malay, Indonesian
values-nl: Dutch
values-pl: Polish
values-pt: Portuguese
values-ru: Russian
values-sr: Serbian
values-tr: Turkish
values-uk: Ukrainian
values-zh-rTW: Traditional Chinese
values-zh: Chinese
For more two letter language codes see http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php You might just add an apropriate directory in order to add a new language. English and German translations will always be up to date. The others can be built from them.
How translation works:
Each values.xml file contains lines of the form
<tagname>My translation</tagname>
You have just to translate the part in between (here "My Translation"). Special characters like \n might be used to indicate a new line.