(Remake of CollegeRanks v1)
A leaderboard-style ranking website for students and alumni to review and rank higher education institutions.
Users can filter the leaderboard by country, order (best/worst), selection size, 8 relevant metrics, and by overall rating.
Client: React, Vite, MUI, Chart.js
Server: Supabase (+ Google Cloud OAuth)
Color | Hex |
Primary Color | #777C49 |
Secondary Color | #80727B |
Background | #F9ECEC |
Text | #4f4f4e |
Font | Jost |
I made this initially as a revamp of an old project but it turned out to be really fun and helped polish my design skills a lot. I hope people use this :)
Add more unique metrics
Implement historical graph to filter rankings by date
Add field of study for each review