cd cloud_simulator/fortran
configure job_pbs.cmd and qsub job_pbs.cmd
or use ECflow on ecgate (see below)
You have to clone this repository twice if you want to use mpmd:
1) local machine: user@ecgate:/path/to/repo/cloud_simulator
2) remote machine: user@cca/path/to/repo/cloud_simulator
This is the source code for ecflow required on local machine
edit config.sh
adapt all variables (ECF_PORT, ECF_NODE, SUITE, etc.) and paths!
start ecflow server
ecflow_start -p <ECF_PORT> -d $HOME/ecflow_logs
stop ecflow server, if you do not need it anymore!
ecflow_stop -p <ECF_PORT>
create mpmd database
edit suite config file
cd ecflow_suite/
edit config_suite.py
**Note**: mpmd_threads_number must be greater equal LENGTH defined in config.sh
generate suite definition
./create_suite.py -h
./create_suite.py --sdate 19820101 --edate 20141231
register and load suite
cd ..
open ecflowview GUI: ecflowview &
and resume suite