for the RGR CM4 carrier for SEGA Saturn Model made by BANDAI
This toturial is based one RetroPie 4.7.1 image, we got some reports that newer raspbian with newer kernel update has some power warning came out on screen from time to time, but 4.7.1 is totally fine. So please just use 4.7.1 as the major image currently.
And, you can get RetroPie 4.7.1 right here:
or the official github repo release page here
1. add these at the very end of /boot/cmdline.txt (please make sure everything is in one single line)
vt.global_cursor_default=0 logo.nologo loglevel=0 splash silent quiet
If you don't want any kernel message printed during booting, you can simply change below in /boot/cmdline.txt
2. Copy files of overlays sub folder of this repo into the overlays sub-folder of boot partition of SD card.
3. Now, copy the right config.txt (don't forget the change the file name from this repo back to config.txt) and Have fun!
If you DON'T copy the prepared and correct config.txt file, the USB port wont even work at all. As the USB on CM4 is set off out of the box. And, some trick also necessary to disable/enable the WiFi or BT of it (if your CM4 came with WiFi/BT, and our config just simply disable WiFi/BT as default), you all need to do modify the confg.txt.
Upate your RetroSetup script to the latest version.
sudo ~/RetroPie-Setup/
and then execute the Update RetroPie-Setup script
download necessary patch/script for RetroPie-Setup
cd ~/RetroPie-Setup/scriptmodules/libretrocores/
mkdir lr-yabasanshiro
cd ~/RetroPie-Setup/scriptmodules/libretrocores/lr-yabasanshiro
cd ~/RetroPie-Setup/
sudo ./
And now the RetroPie-Setup would be executed again, now, we do as follow steps.
--> Manage packages
-> Manage experimental packages
-> lr-yabasanshiro
(yes, you have it now!)
Once the code compiled as expected, then you would copy BIOS/ROM files and restart your EmulationStation.
And Now it is about time to have fun! :)