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Working with test classes

0b1kn00b edited this page Mar 5, 2021 · 14 revisions

Naming your test classes

Test classes should always end with 'Test.hx'


This ensures that the munit build tool only picks up test classes when generating the TestSuite.


public function testExample():Void

Async Test

import massive.munit.util.Timer;


public function testAsyncExample(asyncFactory:AsyncFactory):Void
	var handler:Dynamic = asyncFactory.createHandler(this, onTestAsyncExampleComplete, 300);
	timer = Timer.delay(handler, 200);

private function onTestAsyncExampleComplete():Void

Setup and teardown

public function beforeClass():Void
	// This will run once per test class

public function afterClass():Void
	// This will run once per test class

public function setup():Void
	// This will run before every test

public function tearDown():Void
	// This will run after every test

Ignoring a Test

@Ignore("Runs too slow, needs optimised") @Test
public function testExample():Void

Sometimes you want to temporarily disable a test. Methods annotated with @Test that are also annotated with @Ignore will not be executed as tests. @Ignore takes an optional explanation of why the test was disabled. This can be useful for reporting and when returning to these later.

The default PrintClient will log ignored tests with a comma (,) and include the number of ignored tests in the final statistics. If you wish to see a more complete list of tests that have been ignored, pass "true" to the PrintClient constructor (you'll find this in your TestMain.hx) and the results will then include a list of ignored tests along with any explanation provided in the @Ignore annotation.

Testing a single method

If you just want to target one or a couple of tests while debugging then mark them up with a @TestDebug tag

public function testExample():Void

and then run your tests as before but this time add the -debug flag. For example:

	> haxelib run munit test -as3 -debug 

This will run only those tests marked with @TestDebug.

Under the hood this adds both testDebug and debug compiler flags to the build. The former is just for munit and should not be used in your own code. The latter is a common one used for enabling debugging logic so feel free to use it for this purpose.

Platform specific tests

If a platform specific test is wrapped in conditional compilation statements (#if .... #elseif ... #end) then it will only execute in that target platform:

#if js
public function testExample()

If the code is platform agnostic (I.e. Not using target specific APIs) you can also ignore that test for a single target and provide a description that will appear in the runner:

#if js @Ignore("Not supported in JS") #end
public function testExample():Void

Finally, if an entire test class is wrapped in conditional statements then you will get compilation errors on other targets. To avoid this, just provide a stub class implementation for other platforms like the example below:

#if js
class SomeTest
	public function new(){}

	public function shouldFail()
class SomeTest

Full Example


import massive.munit.util.Timer;
import massive.munit.Assert;
import massive.munit.async.AsyncFactory;

* Auto generated ExampleTest for MassiveUnit. 
* This is an example test class can be used as a template for writing normal and async tests 
* Refer to munit command line tool for more information (haxelib run munit)
class ExampleTest 
	private var timer:Timer;

	public function new() 

	public function beforeClass():Void

	public function afterClass():Void

	public function setup():Void

	public function tearDown():Void

	public function testExample():Void

	public function testAsyncExample(asyncFactory:AsyncFactory):Void
		var handler:Dynamic = asyncFactory.createHandler(this, onTestAsyncExampleComplete, 300);
		timer = Timer.delay(handler, 200);

	private function onTestAsyncExampleComplete():Void

	#if js
	public function testSinglePlatform()
