Some helper stuff, so that it is more comfortable to edit with vim. These tools could be helpful for a tdd-style development. Spare some time for yourself!
I use:
To start it, type:
It is nothing more, than starting a vi with the --servername
- Save all changes
- Change background color to yellow
- Press WinKey + 2 (Change to second window)
- Press Ctrl + p (Recall previous command)
- Press Enter (execute the command)
- Press WinKey + 1 (Change back to first window)
You have a VimIDE open. If you run O
, it will open the file that is specified
by your clipboard's content
Say you want to fix your pep8 violations. Okay, go to the right panel, execute pep8. That will print out all the dodgy files, and the lines. You can open those files one by one, but it makes sense to pipe pep8 -s output to vimedit:
pep8 somepackage | vimedit
It will activate your left pane, open the file in vi, so you can fix that. Should you wish to jump to the next error, you need to press Enter on the right panel. Use Re-run last command for that (ESC gn)