We have three endpoints
First endpoint is a list to endpoint for a cats management
Second endpoint is to create a new Cat
Third endpoint is to update or delete one cat select for id
Also have filter to search cats registered
I have create one command in python manage.py to create three new cats
python manage.py create_three_cat
Test is based in models, cat and command
Models have one test to create a new cat if have string representation
Cat have six tests, to create new cat success, create new cat fail, update partial cat, update full cat, if update cat breeed with value already registered and filter with value negative.
Command have one test, if command create three new cats correctly
# into folder the project excute command
docker build .
# the next
docker-compose build
# now excute project
docker-compose up
# to see tests excute
docker-compose run --rm app sh -c 'python manage.py test && flake8' #flake8 is patterns clean code