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remove backported lemmas to ssreflect
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Tragicus committed Mar 29, 2024
1 parent 9f4ffa3 commit b05880e
Showing 1 changed file with 0 additions and 130 deletions.
130 changes: 0 additions & 130 deletions theories/xmathcomp/various.v
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Expand Up @@ -6,136 +6,6 @@ Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.

(* package ssreflect *)

(* ssrbool *)

Lemma classicPT (P : Type) : classically P <-> ((P -> False) -> False).
split; first by move=>/(_ false) PFF PF; suff: false by []; apply: PFF => /PF.
by move=> PFF []// Pf; suff: False by []; apply: PFF => /Pf.

Lemma classic_sigW T (P : T -> Prop) :
classically (exists x, P x) <-> classically (sig P).
Proof. by split; apply: classic_bind => -[x Px]; apply/classicW; exists x. Qed.

Lemma classic_ex T (P : T -> Prop) :
~ (forall x, ~ P x) -> classically (ex P).
move=> NfNP; apply/classicPT => exPF; apply: NfNP => x Px.
by apply: exPF; exists x.

(* seq *)

Lemma subset_mapP (X Y : eqType) (f : X -> Y) (s : seq X) (s' : seq Y) :
{subset s' <= map f s} <-> exists2 t, all (mem s) t & s' = map f t.
split => [|[r /allP/= rE ->] _ /mapP[x xr ->]]; last by rewrite map_f ?rE.
elim: s' => [|x s' IHs'] subss'; first by exists [::].
have /mapP[y ys ->] := subss' _ (mem_head _ _).
have [x' x's'|t st ->] := IHs'; first by rewrite subss'// inE x's' orbT.
by exists (y :: t); rewrite //= ys st.
Arguments subset_mapP {X Y}.

(* bigop *)

Lemma big_rcons_idx (R : Type) (idx : R) (op : R -> R -> R) (I : Type)
(i : I) (r : seq I) (P : pred I) (F : I -> R)
(idx' := if P i then op (F i) idx else idx) :
\big[op/idx]_(j <- rcons r i | P j) F j = \big[op/idx']_(j <- r | P j) F j.
Proof. by elim: r => /= [|j r]; rewrite ?(big_nil, big_cons)// => ->. Qed.

Lemma big_change_idx (R : Type) (idx : R) (op : idx) (I : Type)
(x : R) (r : seq I) (P : pred I) (F : I -> R) :
op (\big[op/idx]_(j <- r | P j) F j) x = \big[op/x]_(j <- r | P j) F j.
elim: r => [|i r]; rewrite ?(big_nil, big_cons, Monoid.mul1m)// => <-.
by case: ifP => // Pi; rewrite Monoid.mulmA.
Lemma big_rcons (R : Type) (idx : R) (op : idx) (I : Type)
i r (P : pred I) F :
\big[op/idx]_(j <- rcons r i | P j) F j =
op (\big[op/idx]_(j <- r | P j) F j) (if P i then F i else idx).
Proof. by rewrite big_rcons_idx -big_change_idx Monoid.mulm1. Qed.

(* path *)

Lemma sortedP T x (s : seq T) (r : rel T) :
reflect (forall i, i.+1 < size s -> r (nth x s i) (nth x s i.+1)) (sorted r s).
elim: s => [|y [|z s]//= IHs]/=; do ?by constructor.
apply: (iffP andP) => [[ryz rzs] [|i]// /IHs->//|rS].
by rewrite (rS 0); split=> //; apply/IHs => i /(rS i.+1).

(* tuple *)

Section tnth_shift.
Context {T : Type} {n1 n2} (t1 : n1.-tuple T) (t2 : n2.-tuple T).

Lemma tnth_lshift i : tnth [tuple of t1 ++ t2] (lshift n2 i) = tnth t1 i.
have x0 := tnth_default t1 i; rewrite !(tnth_nth x0).
by rewrite nth_cat size_tuple /= ltn_ord.

Lemma tnth_rshift j : tnth [tuple of t1 ++ t2] (rshift n1 j) = tnth t2 j.
have x0 := tnth_default t2 j; rewrite !(tnth_nth x0).
by rewrite nth_cat size_tuple ltnNge leq_addr /= addKn.
End tnth_shift.

(* prime *)

Lemma primeNsig (n : nat) : ~~ prime n -> (2 <= n)%N ->
{ d : nat | (1 < d < n)%N & (d %| n)%N }.
move=> primeN_n le2n; case/pdivP: {+}le2n => d /primeP[lt1d prime_d] dvd_dn.
exists d => //; rewrite lt1d /= ltn_neqAle dvdn_leq 1?andbT //; last first.
by apply: (leq_trans _ le2n).
by apply: contra primeN_n => /eqP <-; apply/primeP.

Lemma totient_gt1 n : (totient n > 1)%N = (n > 2)%N.
case: n => [|[|[|[|n']]]]//=; set n := n'.+4; rewrite [RHS]isT.
have [pn2|/allPn[p]] := altP (@allP _ (eq_op^~ 2%N) (primes n)); last first.
rewrite mem_primes/=; move: p => [|[|[|p']]]//; set p := p'.+3.
move=> /andP[p_prime dvdkn].
have [//|[|k]// cpk ->] := (@pfactor_coprime _ n p_prime).
rewrite totient_coprime ?coprimeXr 1?coprime_sym//.
rewrite totient_pfactor ?logn_gt0 ?mem_primes ?p_prime// mulnCA.
by rewrite (@leq_trans p.-1) ?leq_pmulr ?muln_gt0 ?expn_gt0 ?totient_gt0.
have pnNnil : primes n != [::].
apply: contraTneq isT => pn0.
by have := @prod_prime_decomp n isT; rewrite prime_decompE pn0/= big_nil.
have := @prod_prime_decomp n isT; rewrite prime_decompE.
case: (primes n) pnNnil pn2 (primes_uniq n) => [|p [|p' r]]//=; last first.
move=> _ eq2; rewrite !inE [p](eqP (eq2 _ _)) ?inE ?eqxx//.
by rewrite [p'](eqP (eq2 _ _)) ?inE ?eqxx// orbT.
move=> _ /(_ _ (mem_head _ _))/eqP-> _; rewrite big_cons big_nil muln1/=.
case: (logn 2 n) => [|[|k]]// ->.
by rewrite totient_pfactor//= expnS mul1n leq_pmulr ?expn_gt0.

(* package fingroup *)
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