Python application with Clang python wrapper to parse static code c++
- Analyse static c++ code only with source file and emplacement of header file.
- Create csv with statistic analyse
- Parallelism execution
- Create CFG, support only example directory
- Create dominant, post-dominant graph
- Reach definition
- Alive variable
- Load config file to start execution. Contain application argument
- Add test
- Serialize/Deserialize python AST
python2 libclang, the Clang python binding
This dependence is to generate graph
sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo python-pip install pygraphviz
This dependence is to generate graph
sudo pacman -S python2-pip
sudo pip2 install pygraphviz
I choose to compile the code source of Clang, because you can choose the version you need. I tested this code with branch release_37
This is a good guide for installation :
Personally, I install it in /opt on Linux
I test this code with OpenCV project : In this example, we assume you clone in your home directory. "~/" is not supported :-(
python2 --root_directory ${ROOT_DIRECTORY} -d -I "build" --find_include
For more information
python2 -h
Officially, libClang is only supported in python2.
Project under GPLv3
- Mathieu Benoit - mathben