Simple fieldtype which allows you to select font icons ready to use within your templates.
Currently supports:
- Font Awesome (4.4.0)
To install Icons, follow these steps:
- Upload the fruiticons/ folder to your craft/plugins/ folder.
- Go to Settings > Plugins from your Craft control panel and install the Icons plugin.
- Create a new icons fields and get it added to one of your field layouts!
Get the icon object, check it and use:
{% set icon = entry.yourIconFieldHandle %}
{% if icon %}
{{ icon.icon }}
{% endif %}
Output the full icon tag:
{{ icon.icon }} = <i class="fa fa-home"></i>
Just output the icon class:
{{ icon.class }} = fa-home
Craft CMS Version 2.1+
- Add Support for Glyphicons, IcoMoo, Ionicons & Octicons
- Add support for custom icon fonts - JSON
- Select from multiple font familys from one field.
- Auto include dependencies for front end use.
- Imporved config options
- Updated to Font Awesome 4.4.0. Thanks to justjoolz.
- Matrix block bug fix.
- Added support for Matrix. Thanks to rkingon
- New Setting - Defualt Icon
- Fixed Craft default validation (Required now works)
- Field returns null if unset
- Initial beta release