You can use MinimalApiCrud installing the Nuget package from here
It's a very simple library that permit to create CRUD endpoints for your entities.
It works with .NET Minimal API and .NET 6 and the implementation is covered by unit tests at 100%
Keep in mind that this library try to offer a base set of CRUD endpoints. If you need to customize something you have to write your endpoint.
1.2.1 -> 1.3.0 Library upgrade
1.2.0 -> 1.2.1
Now "Filter" method had pagination!
1.1.1 -> 1.2.0
Methods "GetAll" and "Filter" now will return an object with the total count and the items instead of only the items.
- MapCrud: initialize the library with the data model, the id data type and the data context.
- SetupMapping: configure the mapping between data model and view model. (for details see
- GetAll: setup the Read endpoint. It's paginated.
- GetOneById: setup the single Read by id endpoint.
- Filter: setup the filters and the comparing logics to retrieve the results. (for details see
- Insert: setup the Create endpoint.
- Update: setup the Update endpoint.
- Delete: setup the Delete enpoint.
In this example you can see how configurate endpoints and setup mappings.
For more details, please check the example here
using var minimalApiCrudBuilder =
app.MapCrud<WeatherForecast, int, WeatherForecastContext>()
.SetupMapping<WeatherForecast, WeatherForecastViewModel>(x =>
x.Map(dest => dest.DisplayDate, src => src.Date.ToLongDateString())
.Map(dest => dest.Temperature, src => src.TemperatureC + "°C"))
.GetAll<WeatherForecastViewModel>(config: x => x.WithName("GetWeatherForecast"))
.Filter<WeatherForecastViewModel>(new Dictionary<string, string> {
{nameof(WeatherForecast.TemperatureC),$"{nameof(WeatherForecast.TemperatureC)} == @0" },
{nameof(WeatherForecast.Summary), $"{nameof(WeatherForecast.Summary)} == @0" } }
, FilterLogic.OR)