A lightweight string interpolation library for JavaScript.
Reckon JS is a simple library that enables using template strings in JavaScript (Browser or NodeJS).
Below are simple examples of how Reckon JS can be used:
Sample Data:
var scope = {
fullName: "John Doe",
age: 20,
ageNextYear: function() {
return this.age+1;
Reckon via string prototype:
/* */
var introduction = "My name is {{fullName}}, and next year, I will turn {{ageNextYear}}";
introduction = introduction.reckon(scope);
// My name is John, and next year, I will turn 21
Reckon via JS function: var introduction = "My name is {{fullName}}, and next year, I will turn {{ageNextYear}}"; introduction = reckon({text: introduction, scope: scope}); //returns a reckon object that can be output as string // My name is John, and next year, I will turn 21
npm install reckonjs
Sample Data:
var reckon = require('reckonjs');
var scope = {
fullName: "John Doe",
age: 20,
ageNextYear: function() {
return this.age+1;
Reckon via JS function: var introduction = "My name is {{fullName}}, and next year, I will turn {{ageNextYear}}"; introduction = reckon({text: introduction, scope: scope}); //returns a reckon object that can be output as string // My name is John, and next year, I will turn 21
Escaping strings:
Strings enclosed between {%
and %}
are not interpolated.
"My name is {% {{fullName}} %}".reckon(scope);
// My name is {{fullName}}
Custom delimiters:
var config = {
delimStart: '<<',
delimEnd: '>>'
var introduction = "My name is <<fullName>>".reckon(scope);
reckon().applyConfig(config).compile({text: introduction, scope: myScope});
ReckonJS is created by @ritenv. Contributions are open and welcome. For any issues, please raise it in the issues section and feel free to send pull requests to fix them.