This microservice is one part of a solution to demonstrate how to integrate CloudFoundry applications and (Docker) containers. It contains a DropWizard application which has a REST service returning the current server time.
Gradle is used as build tool, do a simple
gradle run
to start the DropWizard application locally, and then execute
gradle container
to create an image, the resulting Dockerfile is in the build/ folder. To push it to Bluemix following commands were used
docker tag {registry_name}/dropwizard-sample:0.1{registry_name}/unistuttgart-sample:0.1
docker push{registry_name}/unistuttgart-sample:0.1
cf ic run --name container-unistuttgart-sample -p 8080:8080 -m 64 -d{registry_name}/unistuttgart-sample:0.1
cf ic ip bind {public_ip} container-unistuttgart-sample
The REST endpoint to retrieve the result of the microservice is available at :8080/microservice
Optional: if you want to import the project into Eclipse run
gradle eclipse