Simple test app to call AutoD, EWS and Rest with OAuth2.
Example: Test-OAuth2ExchangeDeviceApp.exe -m [email protected] -v
Test-OAuth2ExchangeDeviceApp Copyright c 2015
-m, --MailboxSmtpAddress Required. SMTP address of mailbox to access.
-s, --DiscoverEndpointsFromSmtpDomain (Default: False) Use SMTP address to autodiscover endpoints.
-c, --ClientId (Default: d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c) ClientId of the application as registered in AAD.
-u, --ClientRedirectUri (Default: urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob) Client reply address of the application as registered in AAD. Usually for installed applications 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob'.
-a, --Authority (Default: orize) Authority address of the Authorization Server.
-d, --AutodiscoverEndpointAddress (Default: cover/autodiscover.svc) Autodiscover endpoint address of the Exchange Service.
-e, --EwsApiEndpointAddress (Default: hange.asmx) EWS Soap endpoint address of the Exchange Service.
-r, --RestApiEndpointAddress (Default: 0) Rest API endpoint address of the Exchange Service.
-o, --OverrideUsePPE (Default: False) Override all commandline parameters and use PPE defaults.
-v, --Verbose (Default: False) Print details.
--help Display this help screen.