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Releases: mattpolzin/OpenAPIKit

What Versions May Come (release candidate)

17 Feb 20:57
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What's Changed

  • Add a migration guide (#396)
  • Support future OAS versions without breaking enum changes (#397)

Breaking Changes

The OpenAPIKit30 module's OpenAPI.Document.Version gained the v3_0_x(x: Int) case and the OpenAPIKit module's OpenAPI.Document.Version gained the v3_1_x(x: Int) case. Any exhaustive switch statements will need to be updated.

Full Changelog: 4.0.0-beta.2...4.0.0-rc.1

Send Some Love

16 Feb 15:39
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Send Some Love Pre-release

This release is mostly about rounding off concurrency support to the extent where strict concurrency checking can be enabled in CI and downstream projects can use OpenAPIKit in async contexts.

Breaking Changes

In order to conform to the Sendable protocol, some breaking changes were made to the AnyCodable type. This is the type used extensively for "examples" and "vendor extensions" in OpenAPIKit.

  1. The constructor for AnyCodable now requires knowledge at compile time that the value it is initialized with is Sendable.
  2. Array and Dictionary literal protocol conformances had to be dropped. Anywhere you were relying on implicit conversion from e.g. ["hello": 1] to an AnyCodable, wrap the literal with an explicit call to init: .init(["hello": 1]).

Hook, Line, and Sinker (4)

12 Feb 17:22
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What's Changed

  • Disable vendor extensions via user info (#388)
  • Make Document.Info members mutable by @wwalexander (#390)
  • surface webhook operation ids with Document allOperationIds property (#393)
  • ditto for allTags and allServers.

Breaking Changes

Whereas disabling vendorExtensions encoding/decoding used to be accomplished by setting VendorExtensionsConfiguration. isEnabled to false, you now disable it using the encoder's or decoder's user info. The isEnabled static property has been removed entirely because it was incompatible with async code. The README now describes disabling vender extensions follows:

let userInfo = [VendorExtensionsConfiguration.enabledKey: false]
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
encoder.userInfo = userInfo

let decoder = JSONDecoder()
decoder.userInfo = userInfo

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 4.0.0-beta.1...4.0.0-beta.2

Hook, Line, and Sinker

12 Feb 17:07
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What's Changed

  • surface webhook operation ids with Document allOperationIds property (#393)
  • ditto for allTags and allServers.

Full Changelog: 3.4.0...3.4.1

Change is the only constant

19 Jan 01:16
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 3.3.0...3.4.0

Everything but the guide

01 Nov 19:17
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This marks a shift from introducing breaking changes to fixing bugs and writing a migration guide for moving from OpenAPIKit v3.x to OpenAPIKit v4.0.0. There may be more breaking changes, but my goal is to get to a stable place to release the next major version and save most improvements requiring breaking changes for the following major version.

What's Changed


  • Fix URLTemplate stack overflow (#384)
  • Fix typo in symbol name for server variable validations by @theoriginalbit (#385)
  • Add support for new patch versions of OAS (#386)


  • New OAS versions do modify an enum so if you are switching on the value of the OpenAPI version, this is a breaking change.
  • Update the default version for new documents and documents converted from OAS 3.0 to OAS 3.1. This isn't likely to cause problems, but if you don't specify the version, it will be changing in future output of this library. The newer versions are mostly clarifications of the specification, so this does not have any impact on the actual definitions OpenAPIKit produces, just the OpenAPI Specification version indicated in the output.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 4.0.0-alpha.6...4.0.0-beta.1

And whereas this update clarifies prior statements

01 Nov 16:13
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(clarifications to the OpenAPI specification, that is)

What's Changed

  • Fix typo in symbol name for server variable validations by @theoriginalbit (#385)
  • Add support for new patch versions of OAS (3.0.4, 3.1.1) (#386)

⚠️ Heads up

  • From a Swift standpoint, adding OAS v3_0_4 and v3_1_1 is a breaking change if you have any switch statements that match on the version enumeration and don't allow for future additions to the enumeration. This is regrettable but it is not practical to release a new major version of OpenAPIKit when the OAS standard introduces clarification patch versions like is the case this time.
  • OpenAPIKit does not consider the introduction of deprecation warnings a breaking change but if you treat warnings as errors then this update will be breaking if you use the serverVarialbeEnumIsValid or serverVarialbeDefaultExistsInEnum builtin validations explicitly in your code. These have been renamed to serverVariableEnumIsValid and serverVariableDefaultExistsInEnum to fix the spelling errors in their names.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 3.2.2...3.2.3

Dig Deep

04 Oct 04:51
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What's Changed

  • Fix URLTemplate stack overflow (#384)

Full Changelog: 3.2.1...3.2.2

The Times They Are A-Changin'

03 Oct 16:29
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What's Changed

  • Functionality and Unit Tests were fixed for latest versions of Swift and the Foundation LIibrary (#381)

Full Changelog: 3.2.0...3.2.1

Sometimes One Isn't Enough (4)

21 Jul 23:17
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What's Changed

  • Fix typo: secutity -> security by @timimahoney (#375)
  • Add JSON Schema $defs encoding & decoding (#376)
  • Add support for multiple content types on one content encoding object (#379)

Breaking Changes

  • Removed the contentType property on OpenAPI.Content.Encoding. Use the newer contentTypes property (and constructor argument) for the same purpose.
  • Removed the fallback implementations of inferred, anchor, and dynamicAnchor in the JSONSchemaContext. 99% of code will not change as a result of this because they were only there to make any pre-existing third-party conformances to JSONSchemaContext continue to work throughout the v3 releases.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 4.0.0-alpha.5...4.0.0-alpha.6