Tacos is a program that allows the user to log and store their favorite tacos. When the user inputs a taco the information is stored in a MySQL database and the taco information along with a "Down the Hatch" button are dynamically created on the page. If the user has tried that taco they can they click the button and the taco will be moved from the want to eat column to the devoured column.
npm i express
- creates an express server connection
npm i mysql2
- allows user to connect to a MySQL database
npm i sequelize
- promise-based Node.js ORM for Postgres, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite and Microsoft SQL Server. Learn more HERE
npm i jquery
- needed for the jquery logic in the program
mpn i sequelize-cli
- allows you to connect different data-bases depending on the environment you are working in.
- express
- mysql2
- sequelize
- sequelize-cli
- jquery
Please find the Heroku deployed app HERE