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In Game Store XML Configuration

ivo edited this page Nov 1, 2019 · 1 revision

Now, the game store can be configured with a simple XML file called gamestore.xml located in /data/XML/ folder instead of a Lua's JSON-like object. The structure of this new XML file consists of the following 3 main elements:

The Base Structure

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <category name="Your category name" description="Sample description" ... >
        <offer name="offer sample" type="item" price="30"... />        


Tag <gamestore>

The base tag, must be opened at the beginning of the file and closed at the end. Similar to the base tags of other files like mounts.xml, quests.xml, etc.

Tag <category>

The category tag is used to declare a category in game. Has name, description, state and icons attributes


  • name - [required] - defines a name to your category
  • description - [optional] - category description
  • state - [optional, defaults to "normal"]
    • supported states: "new", "normal", "limitedtime" and "sale"
  • icons - [optional, defaults to "default.png"]
    • You can define multiple icons using a pipe | to separate them e.g.: icons="icon1.png|icon2.png"
    • An arrow to browsing through the icons will appear in the client if you define more than 1 icon

Examples for Categories

<category name="Extra Services" description="Extra Service to change your character attributes." state="normal" icons="extraservice_icon_1.png|extraservice_icon_2.png">
    <offer ... />
    <offer ... />
<category name="Outfits" description="Look cooler!" icons="outfits1.png|outfits2.png|outfits3.png">
   <offer .../>
<category name="Premium time">
   <offer ... />

Tag <offer />

The category tag is used to declare a category in game. Has the base attributes name, description, type, state, price and icons. And specialized attributes depending on the type used.

Base attributes:

  • name - [required] - defines a name that will appear in the menu.
  • description - [optional] - Description that will be shown if the user click in the "details" button
  • state - [optional, defaults to "normal"]
    • supported states: "new", "normal", "limitedtime" and "sale"
      • sale offers currently fallback to normal offers due to the incomplete implementation of the sale feature (:P), It'll be implemented soon. 🤞
  • price - [required] - The price of the offer
  • icons - [optional, defaults to "default.png"]
    • as well as in <category> tags, you can define multiple icons using a pipe | separator
  • type - [required] - Define the type of the offer
    • supported types: "namechange", "sexchange", "promotion", "bless", "teleport", "item", "stackableitem", "wrapitem", "mount", "outfit", "addon" and "premiumtime"

Specialized attributes:

Based on which type attribute is set, some attributes must be provided.

type="namechange", type="sexchange" and type="promotion"

  • No additional attributes needed.


  • blessnumber - [required]
    • you can specify multiple blesses using a pipe | separator.


<offer name="The Spiritual Shielding" type="bless" blessnumber="1" price="30" icons="spiritualshielding.png"/>
<offer name="[PACK] Second and third bless" description="The Embrace of Open Tibia + The Fire of the Suns" type="bless" blessnumber="2|3" price="55" state="sale" icons="embrace_and_suns.png"/>


The offer can be a "teleport-to-position", if a position is specified, or a "teleport-to-temple" if any coordinate is zero or wasn't specified.

  • x - [optional, defaults to "0"] - the x coordinate to teleport to.
  • y - [optional, defaults to "0"] - the y coordinate to teleport to.
  • z - [optional, defaults to "0"] - the z coordinate to teleport to.


<offer name="Teleport home" description="Go back to your home temple in an instant." price="20" state="new" type="teleport" icons="teleporttemple.png" />
<offer name="Teleport to that dungeon." description="Go to a specific location" price="100" type="teleport" x="500" y="1000" z="7" icons="teleportxyz.png" />


  • mountid - [required] - The id of the mount as specified in mounts.xml (not the clientid).


<offer name="Lady Bug Mount" type="mount" mountid="27" description="Buying this mount will help our server survive!" price="750" icons="ladybugmount.png" />

type="item", type="wrapitem" and type="stackableitem"

all of "item", "wrapitem" and "stackableitem" types use the same structure.

  • productid - [required] - The id of the item as specified in items.xml.
    • PS.: with wrapitem use the id of the REAL item, not the box. The OTX server handles the box part.
  • count - [required] - The quantity of items that the offer sells.


<offer name="Spellbook of Vigilance" type="item" price="60" productid="18401" count="1"  icons="spellbook_vigilance.png" />
<offer name="Chameleon Rune" description="Fool your friends with an item outfit!" type="stackableitem" price="10" productid="2291" count="20" icons="chameleon_rune.png" />


  • malelooktype - [required] - The looktype of the male outfit as specified in outfits.xml.
  • femalelooktype - [required] - The looktype of the female outfit as specified in outfits.xml.
  • addons - [optional, defaults to "0"] - set if you want that any addon accompany the offer
    • 0 or nothing: - only the outfit
    • 1: - The outfit + addon 1.
    • 2: - The outfit + addon 2.
    • 3: - The full outfit with both addons.


<offer name="Sea Dog Outfit" description="Do what ya want 'cuz a pirate's free!" type="outfit" malelooktype="750" femalelooktype="749" price="200" icons="seadog_male.png|seadog_female.png" />
<offer name="Full Sea Dog Outfit" description="Yar har, fiddle-dee-dee!!" type="outfit" addon="3" malelooktype="750" femalelooktype="749" price="360" icons="seadogfull.png" />        


unlike the type="outfit" offer, the addon attribute must be set and cannot be zero.

  • malelooktype - [required] - The looktype of the male outfit as specified in outfits.xml.
  • femalelooktype - [required] - The looktype of the female outfit as specified in outfits.xml.
  • addons - [required] - addon or addons that
    • 1: - addon 1.
    • 2: - addon 2.
    • 3: - both addons.


<offer name="Sea Dog Addon 1" description="You arr a pirate!" type="addon" malelooktype="750" femalelooktype="749" addon="1" price="100" icons="seadogaddon1.png" />


Adds premium time days to the user account.

  • days - [required] - How many days of premium time to add to player's account.


<offer name="30 days of Premium Time" description="get a month (30 days) of premium time." price="250" type="premiumtime" days="30" icons="premium30.png"/>
<offer name="90 days of Premium Time" description="90 days of premium time." price="400" state="sale" type="premiumtime" days="90" icons="premium90sale.png"/>