JERALD: high-fidelity dark matter, stellar mass and neutral hydrogen maps from fast N-body simulations
JERALD is a code, based on the Lagrangian Deep Learning idea of Dai and Seljak, to paint baryons and related quantities on top of N-body only simulations with machine learning.
The package is based on JAX and mpi4jax, and it uses MPI to implement parallel Cloud-In-Cell (CIC) painting and interpolation algorithms as well as parallel forward and backward Fourier transforms via FFTW. The paper is available here.
To install the package, clone the repo and run:
pip install .
On the C++ side, installation requires FFTW with MPI support (which should generally be available on clusters). The installation requires PkgConfig
to link FFTW (which should also be available on clusters). In the future I may provide a simple FindFFTW.cmake
file to allow compilation also when PkgConfig
is missing.
On the Python side installation requires JAX and mpi4jax (see the related READMEs for installation), as well as pybind11 for binding C++ code to Python. CUDA support isn't required, as for the time being the package only runs on CPU. In the future this may change. On a cluster, I suggest loading any MPI modules and then installing mpi4jax via pip, to allow mpi4py to build on the existing MPI installation.
A simple test that computes the model loss and its derivative with respect to its parameters (checked against the original LDL code) is available in
. To run it with a single MPI process, execute
Otherwise, to run it with Nproc
processes, use
mpirun -n Nproc python
For now, the documentation for each method is in the code (and it should be pretty complete).