These scripts are used to keep the law repository up to date.
Install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
For help see their docstring, command line help or source code.
Downloads all laws as XML files from and extracts them to a directory.
Last tested: 2024-11-7 SUCCESS
Converts all XML laws to Markdown and copies them with other files related to the law into specified working directory.
Last tested: 2024-11-7 SUCCESS
Scrapes the table of contents of all issues of the Bundesgesetzblatt and dumps the result to JSON.
Last tested: 2021-03-30 SUCCESS
Scrapes the table of contents of all available issues of the Bundesanzeiger and dumps the result to JSON.
Last tested: 2017-01-14 SUCCESS
Scrapes the table of contents of all available issues of the Verkehrsblatt and dumps the result to JSON.
Last tested: 2017-01-14 SUCCESS
Checks the repositories working directory for changes, tries to find relations to table of content entries in BGBl and BAnz data, commits the changes to a branch and merges the branch into master.
Last tested: 2017-01-14 SUCCESS