This plugin allows the users to take 360 Panoramic Images using the phone's Camera. It uses OpenCV to stitch the images together. A simple UI guides the user throughout the process, by displaying dots on the screen that the user should follow.
Checkout Tridiar - Virtual Tours application on iOS and Android
Add these lines into Info.plist
<string>This application needs access to your Camera in order to capture 360 Images</string>
<string>This application needs access to your Microphone in order to capture videos</string>
<string>This application needs access to your Photo Library in order to save the captured images</string>
Change the minimum Android sdk version to 21 (or higher) in your android/app/build.gradle
minSdkVersion 21
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
import 'package:camera_360/camera_360.dart';
import 'package:image_picker/image_picker.dart';
// Text shown while panorama image is being prepared
userLoadingText: "Preparing panorama...",
// Text shown on while taking the first image
userHelperText: "Point the camera at the dot",
// Text shown when user should tilt the device to the left
userHelperTiltLeftText: "Tilt left",
// Text shown when user should tilt the device to the right
userHelperTiltRightText: "Tilt Right",
// Suggested key for iPhone >= 11 is 2 to select the wide-angle camera
// On android devices 0 is suggested as at the moment Camera switchingis not possible on android
userSelectedCameraKey: 2,
// Camera selector Visibilitiy
cameraSelectorShow: true,
// Camera selector Info Visibilitiy
cameraSelectorInfoPopUpShow: true,
// Camera selector Info Widget
cameraSelectorInfoPopUpContent: const Text(
"Select the camera with the widest viewing angle below.",
style: TextStyle(
color: Color(0xffEFEFEF),
// Customizable message if camera is not found or not ready
cameraNotReadyContent: const Center(
child: Padding(
padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 10, vertical: 20),
child: Text(
"Camera not ready",
style: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
// Callback function called when 360 capture ended
onCaptureEnded: (data) {
// Returned data will be a map like below
// 'success': true or false
// 'panorama': XFile or null,
// 'options': {
// 'selected_camera': int KEY,
// 'vertical_camera_angle': int DEG,
// }
if (data['success'] == true) {
XFile panorama = data['panorama'];
print("Final image returned $panorama.toString()");
} else {
print("Final image failed");
// Callback function called when the camera lens is changed
onCameraChanged: (cameraKey) {
print("Camera changed ${cameraKey.toString()}");
// Callback function called when capture progress is changed
onProgressChanged: (newProgressPercentage) {
debugPrint("'Panorama360': Progress changed: $newProgressPercentage");
will returnXFile
if the panorama has been captured successfullynull
if the panorama has failed