IrcTK is a little IRC framework for developing IRC-based applications.
- Simple, intuitive API
- Automatic reloading
- Multithreaded
Install the package with one of the following commands:
$ easy_install irctk
$ pip install irctk
Using IrcTK is easy and fun. If you've ever used a framework like Flask you probably already know what to do.
Let's write a simple bot that queries Google when it sees the command '.google'. We'll start by configuring our application:
# import the Bot object from IrcTK
from irctk import Bot
# we'll use these later, install Requests if you don't have it already
import requests
import json
# initlize the bot object
bot = Bot()
# an object container for our configuration values
class Config:
PORT = 6697
SSL = True
NICK = 'kaa'
REALNAME = 'kaa the python'
CHANNELS = ['#voxinfinitus']
# populate the configuration with our Config object
Now that our bot is setup and configured we can get to the fun part: writing plugins for it!
Plugins in IrcTK are functions that are registered via a decorator. For our bot we want to write a function that queries Google and gives us the first result.
@bot.command('g') # also bind this function to '.g'
@bot.command # register the wrapped function as a plugin
def google(context):
# notice that we provide one arg, context: this is optional but if you
# want access to the IRC line that triggered the plugin you need to
# pass in some variable; we'll use context for this
query = context.args # args are parsed automatically by IrcTK
# make the request, should give us back some JSON
r = requests.get(search_url, params=dict(v='1.0', safe='off', q=query))
# load the JSON
data = json.loads(r.content)
# if we don't have results, bail out of the plugin
if not data['responseData']['results']:
return 'no results found'
# otherwise grab the first result
first_result = data['responseData']['results'][0]
# build our return string
ret = first_result['titleNoFormatting'] + ' - ' \
+ first_result['unescapedUrl']
# finally return the result to the channel or user the plugin was called
# from
return ret
And that's it! You've just written your first plugin. There's one more thing we need to do and then your bot is ready to roll:
# run our bot
if __name__ == '__main__':
That's how simple and easy it is to write IRC applications with IrcTK. The complete example is available in the examples directory. Also a more complete example bot is available there as well.