This project is a part of 2110316 Programming Languages Principles at Chulalongkorn University.
Task :
Write a compiler to translate the source of Retro Basic to the B-code.
The compiler must be able to check the grammar and report the error if the input file is incorrect.
Grammar :
pgm := line pgm | EOF
line := line_num stmt
stmt := asgmnt | if | print | goto | stop
asgmnt := id = exp
exp := term + term | term - term | term
term := id | const
if := IF cond line_num
cond := term < term | term = term
print := PRINT id
goto := GOTO line_num
stop := STOP
Example :
// Input
10 A = 1
20 IF 10 < A 60
40 A = A + 1
50 GOTO 20
// Output
10 10 11 1 17 4 12 1
10 20 11 19 17 4 12 0
10 30 13 0 12 10 17 3 11 1 14 70
10 40 11 19 17 4 11 19 17 1 11 1
10 50 11 1 17 4 11 1 17 1 12 1
10 60 14 30
10 70 15 0 11 19
10 80 16 0
How to run :
- Put your input code in input.txt
- Run
- The output will be in output.txt
Full project description here
Project report is available in repo (Project_Report.pdf)