Export the entire database to an Excel workbook with a sheet per model.
$ pip install django-exportdb
Add exportdb to INSTALLED_APPS, and make sure that django.contrib.admin is in there as well.
url(r'^admin/exportdb/', include('exportdb.urls'))
to your urls.py, make sure that it comes before url(r'^admin/', ...) if you hook it into the admin.
Configures what models and fields are exported. Example:
EXPORT_CONF = { 'models': { 'auth.User': { 'fields': ('username',), 'resource_class': 'app.tests.utils.UserResource' }, 'auth.Group': { 'resource_class': 'app.tests.utils.GroupResource' }, 'auth.Permission': { 'fields': ('name',) } } }
- Form shown to confirm the export
- The filesystem path where the exports are stored
Who can access the export. By default only superusers have access.
To allow all staff users to use the export add the following to your settings:
EXPORTDB_PERMISSION = rules.is_staff