This repository contains scripts and configuration files to set up a test cluster using Kind and deploy
- ArgoCD
- Gitea
- CertManager
- A self signed certificate
- External Secrets Operator
Before getting started, make sure you have the following prerequisites installed:
- Docker or DockerWrapper
- Kind
- kubectl
- Helm
- make
To create the test cluster and deploy ArgoCD, follow these steps:
make setup-all
This Makefile target is responsible for creating a test cluster, deploying the Ingress-Nginx controller, adding the Argo CD Helm repository, installing the Argo CD chart onto the cluster and finally setup the tools in a pre-configured way.
That's it! Now you can start and stop the test cluster as needed. Happy coding!
For more advanced usage and customization, you can modify the helm values.
Inspect the Makefile to get an impression and overview of all targets.
make recreate-cluster
Running this command will recreate the test cluster, ensuring a fresh setup for further testing and deployment.
make get-initial-argo-password
Getting the Initial ArgoCD admin Password
make reinstall-argocd
Reinstall ArgoCD. Useful if you unintentionally delete the ArgoCD part.
make start
Starts the kind docker container.
make stop
Stops the running kind cluster without deletion.
make clean
Warning, this is a destructive action. It will delete the cluster container.