This project focuses on controlling an inverted pendulum, a system comprising a cart that performs linear motion, and a pendulum capable of rotation. This system is often used for testing controllers due to its non-linear and inherently unstable nature. The primary objective is to maintain the pendulum in an upright position while keeping the cart at a desired location.
A common approach in the industry is to use a PID controller, known for its simplicity and effectiveness. In this implementation, two PID controllers are employed: one to maintain the pendulum's upright position and the other to drive the cart to the desired position. These controllers' actions are then combined. However, tuning such a controller can be challenging. Therefore, in this project, Genetic Algorithm (GA) optimization is utilized to learn the controller gains. Initially, random gains are set, and the simulation runs repeatedly, adjusting the gains based on the gathered experience. Given that the simulation represents a black-box function, GA optimization is an appropriate method for this task.
A PID controller, which stands for Proportional-Integral-Derivative controller, is a control loop feedback mechanism widely used in industrial control systems. It continuously calculates an action value based on the error, the difference between a desired setpoint and a measured process variable.
The PID controller output can be expressed as:
Where: Where:
An intuitive explanation is provided by Brian Douglas in this video.
A Genetic Algorithm (GA) is an evolutionary heuristic optimization technique that mimics the process of natural selection. In each iteration, the GA maintains a population of potential solutions, where each solution, represented as a set of six PID gains in this case, is known as an individual. The population evolves over generations through two primary processes: mating and mutation. During mating, two individuals are combined to produce two new offspring, transforming the original individuals without changing the population size (in some implementations, mating increases the population size). Mutation applies random changes to individuals to enable exploration (controlled randomness might result in discovering a better solution). In our example, this is done by adding random values drawn from a normal distribution with a mean of 1 and a standard deviation of 1 to a subset of the solution's parameters (the PID gains). Both mating and mutation occur with user-defined probabilities. Ultimately, the principle of survival of the fittest is applied to select the optimal solution, ensuring that the best-performing individuals are retained and propagated through subsequent generations.
Mathworks provides a brief and good explanation on GA.
The implementation involves modeling an inverted pendulum in Gazebo, while a controller and an optimizer run on ROS. Gazebo and ROS communicate seamlessly: ROS sends control actions to Gazebo, which updates the state of the inverted pendulum and sends the updated state back to ROS. This interaction is illustrated in the following figure:
- Purpose: Publishes the pendulum orientation and the cart position, which facilitates the exchange of relevant inverted pendulum data between Gazebo and ROS.
- Functionality:
- Collects relevant pendulum pose data by listening to the
topic and calling the/gazebo/get_link_state
service. - Publishes the data using a custom message of type
to the/inverted_pendulum/control_pose_data
- Collects relevant pendulum pose data by listening to the
- Launch file:
- Purpose: Computes the control action based on the current state of the inverted pendulum.
- Functionality:
- Provides a service
for changing PID gains. The service uses a custom service of typeUpdatePIDParams
that stores a set of controller gains. - Computes the control action. The node subscribes to the
topic to obtain the inverted pendulum state. - Sends the control action to Gazebo by publishing to
provided bygazebo_ros_control
- Provides a service
- Launch file:
- Purpose: Evaluate a set of controller gains.
- Functionality:
- Provides a service
for evaluating a potential set of controller gains. The service uses a custom service of typeCandidateSolution
. The service returns the pendulum and cart tracking errors. - Contains a client to the
. The client parses the data stored inCandidateSolution
into aUpdatePIDParams
and sends it to the service server where the controller gains are updated. - Runs a simulation in Gazebo for a specific amount of time (this can be set when launching the node using roslaunch by passing setting the argument
). - Returns the tracking error at the end of the simulation, serving as an objective function that assesses the quality of the controller.
- Provides a service
- Launch file:
- Purpose: Implements the "learning from experience" process through Genetic Algorithm (GA) optimization.
- Functionality:
- Contains a client to
for evaluating the population individuals. - Updates the population for a specific number of generations (the optimization parameters can only be changed by modifying the script
. This is going to be modified in the future. )
- Contains a client to
- Launch file:
Note: This section provides a breakdown of the project subdirectories and files. It might be skipped if the reader is not interested in the specifics of the project.
file | purpose |
update_pend_pose.cpp | source code of update_pend_pose_data node |
control_cart_pendulum.cpp | source code of controller_node node |
compute_objective.cpp | source code of compute_objective_node node |
file | purpose |
---|---| | source code of optimizer_node node |
file | purpose |
rviz.launch | visualizes the inverted pendulum in Rviz |
world.launch | launches empty world in Gazebo. Other launch files use it |
spawn.launch | spawns the inverted pendulum model. Other launch files use it |
inverted_pendulum_control.launch | launches empty world, spawns the inverted pendulum, and starts the controller_manager (part of gaebo_ros_control) |
update_pend_pose.launch | launches the update_pend_pose_data node |
controller.launch | launches the controller_node node |
compute_objective_launch.launch | launches the compute_objective_node node |
optimizer.launch | launches the `optimizer_node`` node |
file | purpose |
ControlPoseData.msg | Definition of the ControlPoseData type |
file | purpose |
CandidateSolution.srv | Definition of the CandidateSolution type |
UpdatePIDParams.srv | Definition of the UpdatePIDParams type |
file | purpose |
robot.urdf | Robot description using urdf markup |
robot.xacro | Robot description using urdf markup. Differs from robot.urdf by exploiting xacro (xml macros) package to for better code organization |
robot_properties.xacro | Contains definitions of gazebo materials, xacro macros, and other properties. This gets included in robot.xacro using xacro:include |
file | purpose |
inverted_pendulum_control.yaml | Sets gazebo_ros_control interface through setting the joint_state_publisher and joint_cart_controller |
my_config.rviz | Stores an Rviz configuration data. the purpose is to avoid the need for adding a robot and a tf objects manually whenever Rviz is launched |
Note: joint_cart_controller is of type effort_controllers/JointEffortController
. For more details on this, refer to ros_control and this tutorial.
This file defines the build process. It manages dependencies and enables building projects across different platforms. A few parts of the CMakeLists.txt file are highlighted and explained below:
find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS
add_executable(objective_server src/compute_objective.cpp)
add_executable(controller src/control_cart_pendulum.cpp)
add_executable(update_pose_data src/update_pend_pose.cpp)
Provides meta-information about the package. It also provides high-level dependency management. Please refer to the package.xml file for more details.
Add the package to the src directory of your workspace. Then, in a shell, execute the following:
roscd; cd ..
catkin_makr --only-pkg-with-deps inverted_pendulum_pkg
roslaunch inverted_pendulum_pkg rviz.launch
Note: At first, the model colors will not be set until a Fixed frame link is set by going to the Global options under the Display panel.
This command also launches the joint_state_publisher_gui
, enabling the user to simulate joint movement.
roslaunch inverted_pendulum_pkg rviz.launch
This command starts Gazebo, spawns the model, and takes care of applying the control actions to the model. Due to using gazebo_ros_control
plugin and launching the controller manager, the topic /inverted_pendulum/joint_cart_controller/command
should appear after using rostopic list
Note: The simulation is paused by default.
roslaunch inverted_pendulum_pkg controller.launch
To ensure the node is up and running, you should see the /inverted_pendulum/set_pid_gains
service when executing rosservice list
in a shell. The controller is constantly computing control actions. At first, however, the inverted pendulum pose data should be available. Thus, to see the controller in action, the update_pend_pose_data
node has to be running first. To do that, execute the following command
roslaunch inverted_pendulum_pkg update_pend_pose.launch
Now unpause the simulation by executing rosservice call /gazebo/unpause
. You should see the pendulum falling. Now, the pendulum pose data can be obtained by executing rostopic echo /inverted_pendulum/control_pose_data
By default, the controller gains are set to zeros. However, this can be changed by calling the /inverted_pendulum/set_pid_gains
service provided by the controller_node
as follows
rosservice call /inverted_pendulum/set_pid_gains <TAB><TAB>
fill in the gains and execute the command. You should see the pendulum starting to move.
roslaunch inverted_pendulum_pkg compute_objective_launch.launch sim_time:=3
In another shell
roslaunch inverted_pendulum_pkg optimizer.launch
At first, the controller struggles to keep the pendulum in the desired upright position while maintaining the cart at the center of the plate.
However, as the optimization progresses, the controller gets better
, wich is responsible for publishing joint states, crashes when you reset the gazebo simulation. This is why I had to implement theupdate_pend_pose_data
node that publishes the pose data.- The importance of logging in debugging your code. I can't emphaisze how important this is! By comparing the expected behavior (through login) with what you are actually getting you can determine or narrow down the possible sources of the ๐.
- Using different logging levels to be able to filter different messages using
. - Save simulation time โฑ๏ธ when possible! Don't think, "Oh, this costs almost no time; making it more efficient will not matter". It, generally, does. I saved a lot of time by doing the following:
- Setting an initial tilt in the pendulum so that it falls more quickly (saved around 3-4 seconds),
- I avoided pausing the simulation at the end of each run. This meant I didn't have to unpause the simulation at the beginning of the next iteration (saved 2-4 seconds).
- It is very important to know the rate at which the callback functions are being executed. In my case, for example, one of the callback functions was used to accumulate the tracking error. At the beginning, I did not set a desired rate to run the callback function, which resulted in inconsistent tracking error results (two identical simulation runs will result in different tracking errors).
- Trust and develop your engineering intuition. I mentioned that I wanted to set a tilt in the pendulum position to make it fall faster. At first, I used
service to set the pendulum at 5 degrees. I noticed that there was a jerk in the pendulum motion at the beginning, and I felt that something was wrong. However, I convinced myself that it might be that the controller gains were off at first. I later found out that setting the link states might cause an unexpected behavior by the solver. I solved that by applying a small torque instead. - You should know that the fixed link that you use as a reference for tf to work properly should be named' world'. I spent a lot of time reading my urdf file over and over again to find the answer here.
- Use the experience of others, do not reinvent the wheel. I am not saying copy someones work. However, a good deal of the problems and bugs that you will face have been experienced by someone else. I noticed that this work experienced the same
I mentioned above.