This is a nodejs wrapper for the API. It's fairly simple, so feel free to make edits but make sure you give creidt.
This repo is a simple npm module that can be installed quickly and easily.
First initiate an npm package:
npm init
and follow those prompts.
Now it's time to install our package. Do this command:
npm install fortnite-rest-api
And then add it to your script
var FortniteAPI = require('fortnite-rest-api');
var Fortnite = new FortniteAPI("[YOUR API KEY]");
Be sure to replace [YOUR API KEY] with your api key that you can get from for free.
var FortniteAPI = require('fortnite-rest-api');
var Fortnite = new FortniteAPI("my api key");
console.log(`ERROR! ${res}`);
Here is the list of the methods you can use:
** NOTE: ** The object will return promises, and throw rejections if there are any errors.
- getStats(platform,username)
- getStore()
- getLeaderboard(gameType,platform)